NBC Team designed the Blastguard system using prototypes from ordinary tents purchased from Canadian Tire (Canada's answer to Sears).
NBC团队设计的「抗炸」系统,是以「加拿大轮胎」百货公司(相当于美国的大型连锁百货公司席尔斯)买来的普通帐棚做原型。 |
NBC Universal and the News Corporation can't seem to catch a break when it comes to a name for their new video-sharing service.
当它为他们的新分享影像的服务到达一个名字的时候,国家广播公司通用和新闻公司不能似乎抓一个暴落。 |
NBC Universal announced plans for a service to make popular NBC programs available free for computers and other devices.
国家广播公司通用宣布关于一个服务的计划订定常用的国家广播公司规划可得的为电脑和其他的装置释放。 |
NBC filled about two-thirds of the hour during which it competed with American Idolwith tape of the mens figure-skating competition.
在福克斯播放《美国偶像》的同时,NBC有三分之二的时间在播放男子花样滑冰录像。 |
NBC had predicted an audience of around 50 million for the last episode of their popular sitcom which was broadcast on May 6.
此前,美国国家广播公司估计,大约有5千万观众观看了5月6日播出的流行电视连续剧《老友记》的大结局。 |
NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Lenopokes fun at the Defense Secretary on May 13.
美国国家广播公司今晚秀主持人杰·连奴在13日晚间节目中如此调侃国防部部长拉姆斯菲尔德. |
NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno pokes fun at the candidates with the U.S. presidential election approaching.
美国总统大选日益逼近,全美广播公司今晚秀节目主持人杰·连奴如此调侃总统候选人. |
NBIA Technology Incubation Forum members will continue the discussion online after the conference.
会后,NBIA的会员将继续在网上讨论次议题。 |
NC incremental sheet parts forming process is a flexible process which is to form the sheet point by point on NC forming machine according to the prepared program.
摘要板料零件数控渐进成形工艺是一种通过数字控制设备,采用预先编制好的控制程序逐点成形板料零件的柔性加工工艺。 |
NCCAM describes whole medical systems as involving complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic (conventional) medicine.
美国国家补充与替代医学中心(NCCAM)把整体医学体系描述为:“与对抗(常规)医学独立地或平行发展的完整的理论和实践体系”。 |
NCCAM is one of the centers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
国家辅助和替代治疗医学中心是国家卫生署所辖的一个中心。 |