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Even though the war ended years ago, there's still bad blood between those nations.

Even though the pure water is what gives sea water its main properties,the salinity of sea water affects both its weight and freezing point. 虽然纯净水给海水提供了主要特性,但海水的高含盐量影响着其重量和冰点。
Even though the researchers found the programs had no effect on childrens' sexual habits later on, they stressed that the programs did not result in an increase in the rate of unprotected sex. 即使研究人员发现该项目对稍后的青少年性行为没有产生影响,但他们强调,该项目也没有导致无防护性行为比率的上升。
Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed. 尽管路面布满石头,坑坑洼洼,但布鲁斯却一点儿不慌乱。
Even though the routine of my job often is monotonous. I am grateful for the opportunity to work. There are many who have no job. 尽管日复一日的工作单调乏味,我依然对我所拥有的工作机会而感激,因为有很多人没有工作。
Even though the screen is filled with the faces of familiar actors, Spielberg makes it seem real, thrusting the viewer right into the center of the nightmarish action. 虽然屏幕中出现的是很多熟悉的面孔,斯皮尔伯格却使电影看着那样真实,把观众置身于恶梦般战争的中心。
Even though the war ended years ago, there's still bad blood between those nations. 虽然战争好几年前就已经结束,那两个国家之间仍存有怨恨。
Even though the writer is already out at the elbows, he still keeps on writing. 那个作家虽然已经穷困潦倒了,但他还是继续写作。
Even though there are numerous test case design techniques available in current software development world, the most important ingredients of any test design are experience and common sense. 尽管现在的软件开发中正使用着众多的测试用例设计方法,然而最重要的测试用例设计因素却是经验和常识。
Even though there is no change in every words in a proposition, the preset of pragmatics shall change as long as the focus of sentence changes. 即使命题中的每一个词都不变,只要语句焦点变了,语用预设也会跟着变化。
Even though there is no homosexual behavior (riding) like cows in horses, estrus detection in horses in easier than cows because of the longer duration of estrus. 不像牛有同性恋(母牛骑母牛),对于马而言没有,马的发情(发情持续5-7天)诊断不容易,因为发情持续期比牛(发情持续18-19小时)长。
Even though these progenitor cells can take to their environment and initiate the generation of new tissue, they would still be subject to attack by the patient's own body. 即使这些前驱细胞能融入环境并开始形成新组织,但是仍有可能遭受患者身体的排斥。

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