The Master of Offices and his organization is the important arm for Byzantine despotism in the early Byzantine period.
在早期拜占庭时期,执事官及其机构是拜占庭专制皇权统治的重要膀臂。 |
The Master praised his ascetic habit and attributed it to the spiritual disciplines of his past life.
师父称赞他的苦修习惯,把它归因于早年的灵性训练。 |
The Master replies: “That programmer has mastered the Tao.
经理说:“那个程序员掌握了道。 |
The Master said to them at their first meeting: If bricks and tiles are burnt after the trade-mark has been stamped on them, they retain the mark for ever.
师父在第一次见面时对他们说:“如果砖块和瓦砾是用作烧制预先印制好的商标,那么它们永远都是标记。 |
The Master said, To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is that not after all a pleasure?
本段今译:孔子说:“学了知识并且经常复习,不也是令人愉快的事吗? |
The Master said,Am I?If I do not grieve for this man excessively,for whom else should I?
颜回去世了,孔子哭得很悲伤,随从的弟子们说,“老师太悲伤了。”孔子说,“我太悲伤了吗?不为这样的人悲伤,还为谁呢?” |
The Master said,Those whose ability is insufficient give up halfway.Now you have drown a halting line.
冉求说,“我并非不喜欢您的仁道,而是心有余而力不足。”孔子说,“能力不足者半途而废,现今你却化界自限,能进不动啊。” |
The Master said,“It is hard to find a man who has studied for three years without thought of emolument.
孔子说:“读书三年,无意于作官得俸禄,这种人是难得的。” |
The Master said,“To lead untrained men into war, is to throw them away .
孔子说:“用没有受过军事训练的人民去作战,这叫做抛弃他们。” |
The Master said,“A gentleman does not seek satiety at table or ease at home;if intent upon his business and cautions in speech,he turns to those who possess the Way and rectifies himself in accordance with it,of him I will indeed say that he is Eager to l
孔子说:“君子,吃饭不要过饱,居住不要太安逸,敏捷努力地做事并要说话谨慎,到有道的人那里去匡正自己,这样就可以说是好学了。” |
The Master said,“A gentleman who is widely versed in letters and at the same time knows how to behave courteously,is not likely to go far wrong。
孔子说:“一个有道德的人,广泛地学习文献知识,再用礼节加以约束,也就可以不致于离经叛道了。” |