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To imprison his princes at will, That he might teach his elders wisdom.

To implement such an economy, we must specify just what is to be sustained from year to year. 想实践此种经济,我们必须先明确指出,应该年复一年永续下去的东西,究竟是什麽。
To implement the building, road, partition wall and underground plumbing maintenance work. 履行对建筑物内外装修及防水、道路、围墙及室外管网的进行维护管理的职责。
To implement true Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP), every function must be able to run multiple times, even when another thread is in the same point of execution. 为了实现真正的对称多线程处理,每一个功能必须能够多次运行,即使另一个线程处在同样的执行点时也是如此。
To impose penalties and to issue warnings, before, during, or after a bout. 在回合赛前,回合赛中,或回合赛后,做出处分和发布警告。
To impress the girls, right? 感动女孩子,对不?
To imprison his princes at will, That he might teach his elders wisdom. 诗105:22使他随意捆绑他的臣宰、将智慧教导他的长老。
To improve a child's ability to differentiate, parents can encourage their child to help put away books, toys, clothes or tableware as a way of teaching him to notice the similarities and differences of various objects and surroundings. 训练孩子的「辨别」能力,家长在日常生活中可让孩子帮忙整理书籍、玩具、衣物或餐具,让孩子发现每样东西之微妙差异,将可提高他们区分个别东西的共同点或差异性。
To improve agricultural condition, speed up ecological environmen t construction,and promote national economy,it is proposed regulating techniqu es and avenues to drought-resistant and water-saving according to present situ ation:strengthening administrat 要改善西部农业生产条件,加快生态环境建设,促进国民经济的发展,就必须在分析水资源利用现状的基础上,研究提出西部旱作农业抗旱节水的调控技术与途径:加强水资源管理,建设节水型农业,从水资源时空调节角度出发,通过工程调水实现区域调节,建设库窑实行年季调节,拦蓄径流集雨补灌,充分利用自然降水,防止水土流失,增加覆盖防止蒸发,合理耕作促进根系深扎,最大限度地提高旱农区的水分利用率和利用效率,是西部旱作农业的根本出路。
To improve and stabilize the service life of hot-forging die fabricated by cast die steer, the failure modes and mechanism were analyzed. 摘要为了稳定和提高精铸热锻的使用寿命,研究了其失效形式和机理。
To improve and upgrade the techniques and general knowledge of those dealing in and related to knitwear and synthetic knitting manufacturing. 改良及提高会员及从事羊毛化纤针织工业人员及从事其他与本业有关人员之技术及常识。
To improve anti-jamming technique by spread spectrum close to monochromatic frequency, so that enhance the ability of anti-active-jamming and anti-passive-jamming, anti reconnaissance, anti-radiation missile, anti-stealth, by means of multi frequency spre 摘要为改进线性调频雷达系统所采用的在单色频率点附近扩谱抗干扰技术,加强制导雷达站具备抗有源、无源干扰,反侦察,抗硬杀伤的反幅射导弹和反隐身的能力,通过将单频点扩谱改为多频点扩谱跳谱,实现了高抗干扰信号处理系统,给出方案中在中频段实现的线性调频信号产生方法以及对应的匹配滤波处理系统。

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