Golden lines occasionally sparked underneath it like archaically patterned circuitry, as if to accentuate his choice of words.
皮肤下偶尔闪动着的金线,就像古老的电路图,仿佛在强调他对措辞的选择。 |
Golden pompano is nice and fat, and is expensive edible fish. Usually Golden pompano weights 400-600 g and the bigger ones could reach 1500-2000 g.
学名卵形鲳鲹,俗称金鲳鱼,黄腊鲳等,属鲈形目,鲹科,鲳鲹属。金鲳鱼肉质细嫩,含脂肪多,味道鲜美,为名贵的食用鱼类。金鲳鱼体重一般在400~600克,大的个体可达1500~2000克。 |
Golden sunshine on his face, he flaps and spins his hands with absorption.
金色的阳光照在他脸上,他忘情地拍动及旋转双手。 |
Golden, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, is referring to evidence that, in the first half of the 20th century, Ivy League schools limited the number of Jewish students despite their outstanding academic records to maintain the primacy of upper-clas
高登在近著《入学的代价:美国统治阶级如何花钱上精英学府──谁被踢出校门外》中质疑大学入学政策,这位「华尔街日报」记者指证历历说,20世纪上半叶,虽然犹太裔学生学业成绩优异,常春藤盟校仍限制犹太裔学生人数,以维持学生以上层社会的新教徒为主。 |
Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September.
黄花在八月中旬含苞欲放,待到九月初花重四野,遍地金黄。 |
Goldfish, dogs, cats and birds are the four most common pets.
金鱼、狗、猫和鸟是人们最喜欢宠养的四种动物。 |
Goldilocks jumped out of the bed and rushed out of the house without her basket.
金凤花姑娘跳下床,没有拿篮子就冲出房子。 |
Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! Maybe this bowl will be cooler,she said.
金发姑娘看到三碗炖肉。大碗里的太烫了。“或许这碗凉一些。”她说。 |
Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.
金发姑娘叹了一声气,躺在第三张床上睡着了。 |
Goldilocks was right, but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right.
金发姑娘说对了,但那碗炖肉太凉了。她抓过第三碗炖肉狼吞虎咽地把它吃掉了。第三碗刚刚好。 |
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. was fined 10 million rupees ($216,268) for violating India's securities rules, the regulator for nation's capital markets said.
印度资本市场监管机构称,美高盛公司因违反印度相关证券法律被监管机构罚款1000万卢比(合21.6268万美元)。 |