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Date and time data types are used for values that contain date and time.

Database user list is empty! 数据库用户列表为空!
Datacolor's working environment is a professional, growth oriented, and enjoyable environment where we respect all people, regardless of their gender, nationality, etc. 德塔颜色拥有世界一流的工厂,生产高科技的产品,并且一直在寻找聪明、有才能的人加入到我们专业的队伍中来。
Datacolor—A global Swiss&American company producing color measuring instruments since 1970 has his modern manufacturing facility located in China's premiere industrial Park: Suzhou Industrial Park. 德塔颜色---一家建于1970年的全球化的瑞士&美国公司,专业生产颜色测试仪器,其工厂设于中国最好的工业园区:苏州工业园区。
Datagrams are useful for noncritical data transfers. 对非临界的数据传输来说,数据报非常有用。
Datamation. 数据处理》刊载电子数据处理领域技术、及其行业的新闻。
Date and time data types are used for values that contain date and time. 日期和时间数据类型用于定义日期和时间值。
Date and time of last warning about disk quota. 最后警告磁盘配额的日期和时间。
Date of accession or date of form filling should not be any rest day on timecard. 要注意入厂登记表上的入厂日期或填表日期不能是工卡上的休息日。
Date of birth of each seafarer is noted against his/her name on the crew list. 每一海员的出生日期应在船员清单中的姓名旁注明。
Date of filling: the actual date of filling the return. 填表日期:填写办理纳税申报表的实际日期。
Date stamp (ker-chunk) every item that hits your desk. This will help you decide when to file or throw away the paper. 在你桌子上的所有文件都盖上一个日期戳。这对你决定什么时候把这些纸张是归档还是扔掉有帮助。

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