Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth.
国家健康研究所的专家们说良好的牙齿护理要从出生后就开始。 |
Experts at the seminar also suggested that Shanghai should try to develop community culture, as this would also help boost Shanghai's efforts to become a global city.
研讨会的专家同时建议说,上海应该努力发展社区文化,因为这也会帮助上海进一步成为世界都市。 |
Experts believe a sense of unfairness engenders negative emotions which may prompt biochemical changes in the body.
专家认为,不公平的感觉,会引起负面情绪,负面情绪可能引发身体生化改变。 |
Experts believe that though the Chinese are aware that Clinton is not likely to bear a message to the Bush administration, China still looks to Clinton for reactions from what they believe are American business interests invested in trade relations with C
专家相信中国注意到克林顿可能不会给布什政府提意见,但是中国仍然希望克林顿对他们所相信的美中的贸易投资共同利益作出(积极)反应。 |
Experts believe that, for a nuclear explosion, it was unusually small.
专家确信,作为核爆,其规模小得很。 |
Experts believe the builders of Stonehenge knew about design, engineering and sound.
专家认为史前巨石柱的建造者知道设计,技术和声学的原理。 |
Experts blamed algae growing on the stonework - and it was closed for five months at the start of 2005 for further work.
2005年,专家又因喷泉石上长有苔藓需加以维护改进为由,再次将喷泉关闭了5个月。 |
Experts can combine pictures taken from airplanes and satellites with topographical data.
专家们能把航空和卫星照片与地形数据结合起来。 |
Experts caution that if a parent notices their child has a mild tic, there is little need for immediate alarm unless a learning disability is also suspected.
专家提醒,如果父母发现他们的孩子有轻微的抽搐,除非他们还怀疑孩子有学习障碍,否则几乎不需要马上就惊慌不安。 |
Experts claim that other research shows that gastric ulcers are three times less common in countries where large numbers of chillies are eaten.
有关专家称,有研究显示,大量食用辣椒的国家胃溃疡的发病率要低三倍。 |
Experts classified the find as the shell of an ammonite, a species that lived on the territory on which the Moscow region is now located and died out about 250 million years ago, shortly before the dinosaur era.
专家鑑定发现,这个贝壳属于鹦鹉螺的化石,牠是一种比恐龙还早出现在这世界上的生动,250百万年前曾经居住于莫斯科地区一带。 |