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Frozen Land will be battles between two big alliances rather than tribes. We expect to see more team play and more exciting battles.

Frost-flecked and sun-chapped, a hunter braves the cold in Kangerlussuaq, an inlet in western Greenland's Davis Strait. 康克鲁斯瓦格是格陵兰西部的戴维斯海峡的一个水湾,一位风霜满面,皮肤皲裂的猎人勇敢的面对着这里的严寒。
Frosty windows make great surfaces for children to draw on. 有霜的窗户是孩子们画画的好地方。
Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. 14心中乖僻,常设恶谋,布散分争。
Frown and draw eyebrows downward. 皱眉,将眉毛往下带动。
Frowzy clothes; a frowzy professor. 脏衣服;邋遢的教授
Frozen Land will be battles between two big alliances rather than tribes. We expect to see more team play and more exciting battles. 冰封谷会变成不同联盟之间的战斗场所。我们期待能够看到团队作战和更令人兴奋的战斗。
Frozen food is convenient to cook so it's a craze in supermarkets. 冷冻食品烹饪方便,所以它在超市里是热门产品。
Frozen foods have moved in on the market for fresh poultry. 冷冻食品已经逐渐侵占了新鲜家禽肉类市场。
Frozen or canned spinach has not been linked to the outbreak either. 冷冻或罐装菠菜也与这次的事件无关。
Frozen ponds and ice rinks become playgrounds for skating and hockey. 结了冰的池塘和溜冰场成了溜冰和冰上曲棍球的场地。
Frozen trees made these trees' cheese freeze. 冻结的树让干酪冻住了。

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