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Perry : Well, I can't say I blame her although generally speaking gas is pretty safe.

Perrault Put out the fires! We gotta keep the base operational! 赶快灭火!我们还要保持基地的正常运作!
Perry : All right, now. Just a minute. Yesterday you told me it was murder. 等一下等一下,昨天你还和我说是一起谋杀来着。
Perry : Gee, that must have been terrible for her. How is she now? 伯理:那经历一定很恐怖了。她现在怎么样了?
Perry : How was your mother? She wasn't injured I hope. 伯理:你母亲怎样?希望她没受伤。
Perry : I heard about some accident at your Mom's place. What happened exactly? 伯理:听说你母亲家里有意外事故,究竟发生里什么事呢?
Perry : Well, I can't say I blame her although generally speaking gas is pretty safe. 伯理:这也难怪,不过,煤气一般是颇为安全的。
Perry : What about Dinello's phone call? You find out why he was so upset? 那蒂尼罗的电话怎么说?你明白他为什么听起来那么不安了?
Perry dated Roberts after her appearance on the show. His verdict? She does leave toothpaste all over the sink and she∝s always wanting to borrow money. 佩里在罗伯茨客串《老友记》之后和她约会过。他这么评价罗伯茨:“她总是喜欢把牙膏留在水槽里,她还总是要借钱。”
Perry dated Roberts after her appearance on the show. His verdict: She does leave toothpaste all over the sink and she's always wanting to borrow money. 佩里在罗伯茨客串《老友记》之后和她约会过。他评价说:“她总是把牙膏弄得满水槽都是,还总想借钱。”
Perry has been linked to actress Tricia Fisher, daughter of Connie Stevens and Eddie Fisher. 佩里曾经和女演员特里西娅·菲希尔传出绯闻,特里西娅是著名演员埃迪·菲希尔和康尼·斯蒂文斯的女儿。
Perry is a wide goose. He has just grown up. And he will try his first time to carry to south. 派瑞是一只刚刚长成的大雁,它将第一次尝试飞去南方过冬。

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