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Rest assured that he will excel in his posstion.

Responsible to perform thermal-mechanical and chemical characterization on materials used in electronic industry. 负责对电子工业的材料进行热机械应力模拟和化学特性方面的研究。
Responsive anti-abuse controls enable us to effectively identify anyone who's taking advantage of Yahoo!’s email service. We want to ensure that everyone benefits from unlimited storage! 当然,我们通过雇佣倍棒的工程师,并且不辞劳苦做出了难以置信的高效率后台存储系统。在防滥用系统保护下,全新的存储系统让您咋都不用删除电子邮件!当然,除非你想删了。
Responsive, good coordination and analyze skill, ability to handle emergency things. 工作认真负责,具备较强的沟通、分析能力和处理应急事务的能力。
Ressl J,Ch rastek J,Jandova R. Hemodynamic Effects of Physical Training in Essential Hypertension[J] ,Cardiologica,1977,32:121-133. 李建平,周士枋.高血压病的有氧训练治疗[J].中国康复医学杂志,1992(4):178.
Rest assured --It assure the boiler mandatory start, when the room temperature is too low, only need little gas can conduct antifreeze protection safely. 放心----室温过低时强制启动壁挂炉,仅需极少的燃气,便可安全的进行居室防冻保护。
Rest assured that he will excel in his posstion. 你可以放心,他绝对能胜任他的职务。
Rest assured that, where such conflicts exist, weve scoured other reference books, libraries, and the web in pursuit of the best possible solution. 确信无疑的是,当出现矛盾时,我们会到其他参考书、图书馆和网站中去查找,力求得到最佳的解答。
Rest assured, that this book is still a HOWTO. 放心,这本书依旧是说“如何做”。
Rest assured, we will get you home. 你们多数战友也正为结束这场战争而竭力奋斗。
Rest cramps in the calf at night are due to a shortening of the calf muscle which can happen while lying in bed and pointing your toes down. 夜间发生的小腿休息抽筋,是当人们躺在床上,脚趾向下方抻而造成小腿肌肉收缩造成的。
Rest elong to the work a the eyelid to the eyes. 休息与工作的关系,正如眼睑与眼睛的关系。

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