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Client: I have to choose other ones.

Client-Centered is lacking the active experimentation, having only empathy. 人本治疗缺少缺乏积极实验法,只有共情。
Client-script APIs and components that support rich UI features, such as drag-and-drop behavior. You can add these features to HTML controls with little or no coding. 客户端脚本API和支持丰富UI特性(例如拖拽行为)的组件。你只需少量编码即可向HTML控件添加这些特性。
Client-side validation is less secured but it comes handy for collection of less critical data. 客户端确认虽然具有较少的安全性,但是它对于较低要求的数据收集还是非常方便的。
Client: Hello, nice to meet you, we are quite interested in your waste-treatment machine, could you pass me your brochure? 你好,很高兴认识你。我们对你们公司的废物处理器很感兴趣,能把资料拿给我看看吗?
Client: I 7)appreciate your help. 非常谢谢妳的帮忙。
Client: I have to choose other ones. 顾客:那我只能选别的药了。
Client: I need some medicine for my granddaughter. She has dyschesia and her urine is yellow. 顾客:我想给我孙女买点去火的药,她最近大便干,尿也有些黄。
Client: I'm looking for someone who works here, but I lost his 1)business card. 我在找一位在这儿工作的人,但是我弄丢他的名片了。
Client: Ok, please give me one casket of azithromycin. 顾客:那我就先按这个方子买一盒吧。
Client: Well,sometimes I try to talk myself out of it. I say, This is silly, you are making a mountain out of a molehill. 来访者(下简称“C”):嗯,有时我试图劝阻自己。我说:“太蠢了,你这是小题大做。”
Client: Why? She always uses them. 顾客:为什么?她基本每次都会用止痛药。

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