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About 1,500 inmates could be subject to civil confinement, but only a few hundred are likely to be kept locked up.

About 1 hour later Bush sees his driver staggering back to the car with a bottle of wine in one hand, a cigar in the other and his clothes all ripped and torn. 大约一个小时后布什看到司机散乱的徘徊在回到小汽车的路上,一只手里拎着一瓶葡萄酒,另一只手则拿着雪茄,他的衣服上面到处都是裂缝和破洞。
About 1 in 10 persons of northern European ancestry carries the abnormal recessive HFE gene, and most of these are the C282Y mutation. 1/10的北欧血统的人携带正常的HFE隐性基因,而发病主要是C282Y突变。
About 1 percent of these more serious cases develop hemorrhagic fever or shock, with gastrointestinal bleeding and, in rare cases, brain hemorrhages and death. 大约百分之一的严重病患会发展为出血性高烧或休克,并伴随有胃肠出血,极少数病例会出现脑部出血及死亡。
About 1,000 protesters remained on San Francisco\'s downtown streets late Thursday, vowing to shut down the city. 大约有1000名的群众星期四晚上聚集在旧金山的市中心街道,发誓要使城市交通瘫痪。
About 1,200 chickens, geese and ducks have been slaughtered over the weekend in the eastern Germanstate of Thuringia after Germany confirmed this year's first case of domestic bird infection of the deadly H5N1 strain on Friday, German media reported on Su 德国媒体周日报道:德国周五在证实了今年首例禽流感H5N1病毒之后于上周末在德国东部的图林根州屠杀了1200只鸡鸭鹅。
About 1,500 inmates could be subject to civil confinement, but only a few hundred are likely to be kept locked up. 目前大约有1500在监囚犯将作为民事监禁的对象,但预计只能有数百人被继续关押。
About 1.9 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean have HIV or AIDS. 拉丁美洲和加勒比海区域大约有190万人为爱滋病患者或带原者。
About 10 million Bengalis fled to India in 1971. 1971年1000万孟加拉人逃往印度。
About 10 million urban residents will have difficulty finding jobs by 2010 due to pressure from the growing labour force, according to a new report. 一份新近的调查报告显示,随着劳动力的增多,到2010年将会有千万人找不到工作。
About 10 to the 10118 meters away should be an entire Hubble volume identical to ours. 在1010118公尺之外,更应该会有整个哈伯体积,和我们的完全相同。
About 10% of the U.S. population - and a much larger percentage of men, who make up 80% of sufferers - will have at least one kidney stone sometime in their lives, and it can be excruciatingly painful. 美国人口中约有10%至少在一生中某时间患有一侧肾结石,其中男性比例要高得多,占患者的80%,患者有难以忍受的疼痛。

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