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There are all-container ships, cargo ships, liquefied-gas tankers, icebreakers and multi-purpose freighters.

There are all kinds of animals in the zoo. 动物园里有各种各样的动物。
There are all kinds of birds. 有各种各样的鸟。
There are all kinds of things on the table. 桌子上摆满了各种各样的东西。
There are all over Huston freeway and other cities in Texas . 这样的广告在休士顿、还有其他的城市像是德州的高速公路上到处都是。
There are all skeletons on the battlefield. 战场上到处都是尸骨。
There are all-container ships, cargo ships, liquefied-gas tankers, icebreakers and multi-purpose freighters. 有集装箱船、货船、液化气运输船、破冰船和多用途货船。
There are already 10,000 frozen embryos floating around in liquid-nitrogen baths in the U.S., stuck in a kind of icy limbo as their would-be parents sort out the optio . 没有目前已经有超过一万个冰冻胚胎泡在液态氧里,卡在一个冰冻的三不管地带,而它们的父母还在研究如何选择。
There are already 10,000 frozen embryos floating around in liquid-nitrogen baths in the U.S., stuck in a kind of icy limbo as their would-be parents sort out the options. 没有目前已经有超过一万个冰冻胚胎泡在液态氧里,卡在一个冰冻的三不管地带,而它们的父母还在研究如何选择。
There are already 20 advance bookings for the bespoke £100,000 tree-house, which will be completed in the spring, and is said to be ideal for those wishing to keep a low profile because it has its own car port and is away from the main building within 12 这批开价10万英镑的树屋将在春天完工,目前已经收到了20份订单,这些房子被认为是处事低调的人的理想选择,因为它远离主建筑物,有私人的停车场和占地12英亩的花.
There are already 30 kids on the block! 在这个街区已经有30个孩子!
There are already a range of yellow pages-like mobile content services on the market. (Nokia has relationships in Europe with most of the local directory publishers and uses their data to power its local search product.) But the mobile needs and interests 尽管在目前的黄页以及白页市场中存在多种版本用以支持手机内容使用,考虑到用户对此类信息需求的不断扩展,仍然需要大量的人力和物力的投入用于探索此类信息在手机搜索方面的使用。

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