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A more basic problem is that even in states with no political freedom, no official imprimatur can drown the multiplicity of voices vying to influence Muslim hearts and souls.

A moralist, Krylov used popular language to satirize human weaknesses, social customs, and political events. 为了宣扬正义,克雷洛夫通过通俗的语言讽刺了人性的弱点、社会的恶习和政治事件。
A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. 腐蚀液帮助染料固定在原料上。
A morden China will have a consistent rule of law to govern commerce and secure the rights of its people. 一个现代化的中国将有着统一的法制来规范他们的商业生活和保障人民的利益。
A more accurate and unbiased estimation of case fatality for SARS can be obtained with a third method, survival analysis. 一种对SARS病例病死率更准确和广为接受的估计可以用第三种方法即生存分析得到。
A more apt elephantine expression is found in Swahili: when two elephants fight it is the grass that gets hurt. 一个更贴切的,对巨大的表达在班图语里是:当两头大象打架的时候,受伤的是草皮。
A more basic problem is that even in states with no political freedom, no official imprimatur can drown the multiplicity of voices vying to influence Muslim hearts and souls. 一个更为基本的问题在于,即便是在那些没有政治自由的国家,也没有官方的许可能够将竞相影响穆斯林精神与灵魂的多样化声音淹没。
A more common form of greeting in America is the handshake. 握手是美国较普遍的问候方式。
A more common way of joining these metal pieces together is to weld them. 连接这些金属件一般都采用焊接的方法。
A more detailed overview of LVS can be found here. 更详细的关于LVS的介绍可以在这里(我觉得这里应该有个超链接)找到。
A more detailed procedure is described below. 下面介绍一些更详细的计算过程。
A more detailed review on application of gas chromatograph and its coupled techniques in the environment organo tin compounds analysis was presented in this paper. 该文就气相色谱及其联用技术在环境中有机锡化合物的测定进行综述。

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