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“Under these circumstances it's essential to use policy to control population”, Zhang Weiying explains.

“Ultimately, all of my investments start with how I use my time. 总而言之,我生命中的所有投资回报取决于我如何支配时间。
“Um. I wanna know something else. “恩,我还想知道一件事。”
“Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave school. “由于不能说服其他人,他决定离开学校。”
“Unauthorizedbiographies also have their appeal,however,since they can suggest an independence of mind in the biographer. 未经授权的传记也有其吸引人之处,因为传记作家可以独立思考。
“Uncle, would you like to huff!” said the boy pleasantly. 男孩高兴地说:“叔叔,你吹一口气!”
“Under these circumstances it's essential to use policy to control population”, Zhang Weiying explains. “这种情况下,通过政府政策控制人口规模,非常必要。”
“Unfortunately in football certain incidents sometimes make all the difference,” concluded the outspoken chief. 不幸的是在足球中同样的情节却会产生很大的不同.这个直言不讳的主席总结到.
“Unfortunately referees are human beings too” is one of Claudio Lotito's most celebrated quotes, idiosyncratic and a sign that he sees the world as an infinitely improvable place - as he also views his Lazio. “不幸的是,裁判也是人,”这是洛蒂托最著名的口头禅,这是他独特的标志性的世界观——世界是可以无限改进提升的,就像拉齐奥一样。
“Unfortunately, human psychology is such that hasty workers and true believers will always mess around with the problem of earthquake prediction that fascinates them. “遗憾的是,由于心理学上的原因,草率的工作者和诚心实意的信徒总会搞乱使他们着迷的地震预测的问题。
“Unite Nations” is abbreviated as UN. “联合国”被缩写成UN两个字母。
“Unity, pragmatic, preciseness, quick” is our consistent working style. And our working purpose is to make the utmost satisfactory for our customers! “团结、务实、严谨、快捷”是我们一贯坚持的工作作风;让客户最大限度的满意是我们永远的服务宗旨!

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