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There is a refrigerator in the dining room.

There is a real question whether Americans believe they can live in peace and harmony with a country that does not share American values and does not approximate to American political institutions. 一个很现实的问题就是,美国人是否相信他们可以同一个与美国没有共同的价值观、政治制度也不近似于美国的国家和平而和谐地共处。
There is a reason why browsers have a huge “Back” button. 让用户决定如何打开链接,否则浏览器上大大的后退按钮就没必要存在了。
There is a reason why schools and child care centers are known as germ factories. 这就是学校和儿童看护中心被认为是细菌工厂的原因。
There is a record number this year of these fabulously wealthy people. 今年登上这个名单的人数创下记录。
There is a recreation center on the ground floor. 一楼有一个娱乐中心。
There is a refrigerator in the dining room. 餐室里有一个冰箱。
There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. 厨房里有个冰箱。
There is a refuse dump out of the town. 镇外有个垃圾场。
There is a remark below the picture. 图片下边附有说明。
There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper. 今天的报纸上有一篇关于办公室里的性骚扰的报道。
There is a reticence, almost a shame, about having a hearing loss that often discourages a hard of hearing person from seeking help and taking productive steps. 失聪令人三缄其口,感觉羞怯,阻碍着重听人寻求帮助和采取积极的措施。

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