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His excuses cut no ice with me.

His excesses at parties are well known. 尽人皆知他在聚会上十分放肆。
His excessive politeness seemed very fishy. 他过度的礼貌似乎非常诡异。
His excitement animated us all. 他的激昂情绪振奋了我们大家。
His excuse for being late was that he had missed the train. 他迟到的理由是没有赶上火车。
His excuse was too pat for us to believe. 他的理由来的太巧合,令我们很难相信。
His excuses cut no ice with me. 他的辩解不足以说服我.
His expected much from his son and made him crown prince and heir apparent. 他被期望去成为皇太子和皇位继承人。
His expenditure is out of proportion to his income. 他的支出与他的收入不相称。
His expenditure on pleasure and luxuries is rather high in proportion to his income. 他在娱乐和奢侈品上的开销占他收入相当高的比例。
His expenses exceed his income by far. 他的花费远远超过他的收入。
His experi-ments,based on the discoveries of Darwin about the way plantsgrow and change,gave us many new kinds of fruits,vegetables,and flowers. 他根据达尔文关于植物生长变化方式的发现所作的实验为我们提供许多种新的水果、蔬菜和花卉。

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