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Online measure of boiler wind speed of power station is very important to the boiler combustion adjustment and safe running.

Onions make your eyes water . 洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪.
Onions make your eyes water. 洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪.
Onken arrives at the Suwon District Courtin Suwon, Thursday , Feb . 5 , 2004. 当天,翁肯因交通肇事致人死亡后逃逸被判在韩国监狱服刑3年。
Onli a properly matched antenna system will allow maximum power transfer from the 50 transmission line to the radiating element. 只有一个匹配合适的天线系统才能在发射时使能量充分辐射出去。
Online application has now closed. It will open again in September 2007. 到9月份就可以网上在线申请了!
Online measure of boiler wind speed of power station is very important to the boiler combustion adjustment and safe running. 摘要电站锅炉风速(量)的在线测量对于锅炉的燃烧调整和安全运行起着极为重要的作用。
Online music was driven from the bottom up: illegal file-sharing services became wildly popular, and legal firms later took over when the pirates were forced (by a wave of lawsuits) to retreat; the legal providers are confident that more and more consumer 在线音乐受到自下而上的力量驱使,也就是说非法的文件共享服务非常的流行,但当盗版行为由于受到一系列诉讼而退却后,那些合法的公司将会占据主导地位。
Online presence with content surrounding Colgate-Palmolive listing will run the month of listing, resulting in over 82,000 highly targeted impressions with c-suite of NASDAQ-Listed companies. 高露洁广告将会在纳斯达克机构投资者中心网站上播出,该网站拥有五十万网页浏览者以及四百万点击率,更在世界范围内拥有两万固定注册的投资组合经济人,分析员和代理人。
Online program function(ISP): offer one online program communication port, can download various protection software module、the first system chart freely, need not disassemble the equipment. 在线编程功能(ISP):提供一个在线编程通讯接口,可自由下载各种保护软件模块、一次系统图,无须拆卸装置。
Online retailers collectively made a profit last year for the first time as jumped a better-than-expected 51%, in a sign of continued resilience in e-commerce, an industry survey found. 一项行业调查发现,去年网上销售跃升,达到了远好于预期的51%的增幅,所有在线零售商首次获利。这意味电子商务处于持续回弹的态势。
Online retailers collectively made a profit last year for the first time as sales jumped a better-than-eXPected 51%, in a sign of continued resilience in e-commerce, an industry survey found. 一项行业调查发现,去年网上销售跃升,达到了远好于预期的51%的增幅,所有在线零售商首次获利。这意味电子商务处于持续回弹的态势。

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