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All-round HR Service: We provide enterprises with the full-scale, national first-class HR service in employee dispatching, agency service on personnel affairs, foreign enterprise service, employee placement, HR evaluation, HR consulting, employee training

All-out efforts must be made to develop a recycling economy with a view to exploring an approach to economized development in the Chinese context. 大力发展循环经济,走出一条具有中国特色的节约型发展道路。
All-pervasive termites have vast destroy on house and buildings.A lot of the high buildings and large mansions and the solid dam and dyke ruin fuom termite infestation. 无孔不入的白蚊对建筑物的破坏极大,有多少高楼大厦,万丈大堤毁于一旦就是它们的杰作。
All-powerful power supply, the Bo adopt many long, choiceness design, realization cross over! 万能电源,博采众长,精巧设计,实现跨越!
All-purpose 28-200mm zoom lenses: Bad snapshots. Also great for making five rolls of film last a whole year. All-purpose = no purpose. 200全能变焦镜头:劣质的用于照快照的镜头.一年五卷胶卷,全能=无用.
All-purpose conference room AV amplification systems must handle audio in the forms of voice, music, movie soundtracks, singing (for live performances), etc., therefore the proper locations to install speakers, the power of the speakers, the number of mic 多功能厅的音频扩声系统由于需要同时满足人声(会议)、音乐播放声(电影播放)、歌唱声(文艺演出)等多种需求,所以在音箱的合理安装位置、功率大小、话筒的数量、音频处理方面需要着重考虑。
All-round HR Service: We provide enterprises with the full-scale, national first-class HR service in employee dispatching, agency service on personnel affairs, foreign enterprise service, employee placement, HR evaluation, HR consulting, employee training 多方位的人力资源服务:在人才派遣、人事代理、外企服务、人才配置、中专中技安置、人才评估、人才咨询、人才培训等方面为企业提供项目最全、国内一流的人力资源服务。
All-round cooperation with China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, China Netcom and being the wireless value-added services provider to the customers of them. 与中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、中国网通建立合作伙伴关系,成为全电信增值领域服务提供商。
All-round development is not characterless development, either, nor should it deny personality. 全面发展不等于平均发展,不等于不要个性。
All-round heavenly Father, the sound from the Gethsemane ,that it sounds as if, oh the father , if you are willing, dismiss from this cup . 全能天父,听来自客西马尼的声音,啊爸,如果你愿意,就把这杯撤去。
All-rounder can't take place of perseverance. It's ubiquitousness that an all-rounder can't achieve succeed. 全才不能取代坚持,是全才而没有成功的人比比皆是。
All-weather close air support doesn't work in bad weather. 全天候近接战用空中支援﹐会在恶劣天气中无效。

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