223 Please go oer it and see if eerything is in order.
请过目一下,看看是否一切妥当。 |
225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
数据连接已打开,没有进行中的数据传送。 |
225 sleek and very comfortable rooms including the spacious corner rooms and loft suites which comes with dazzling views of the KL skyline.
225个舒适的房间其中包括宽敞的角房与阳台能欣赏看到吉隆坡的空中的轮廓线。 |
226 Closing data connection. Requested file action successful (for example, file transfer or file abort).
正在关闭数据连接。请求文件动作成功结束(例如,文件传送或终止)。 |
228 No wonder eeryone speak highly of your commercial integrity.
难怪大家都极为推崇你们的商业信誉。 |
228 No wonder everyone speak highly of your commercial integrity.
难怪大家都极为推崇你们的商业信誉。 |
229 The best way to learn a new subject or skill is to study small segments or details in great depth rather than to start by trying to develop asense of the whole.
学习新学科或技能的最佳方式是深入研究小片断或细节,而不是一开始就试图获取整体的认识。 |
22Based on the trend that we are seeing, HIV infections can escalate to 300,000 cases by 2015 if we do not do anything,%22 Ramlee said.
“如果我们不采取任何行动的话,依据眼下我们所看到的这种发展趋势,到2015年时HIV感染者的数量将会跃升至30万人,”拉姆雷说。 |
22Market risk may be called systematic risk or undiversifiable risk.
22市场风险可以被称之为系统风险或者不可分散风险。 |
22To talk about companies in such capital-intensive industries as oil exploration be swayed by the political whirms of their home governments would rock business confidence.
要求本国政府用经常是随心所欲的政治决策左右石油勘探等资本密集型行业中的公司,那就会动摇商界信心。 |
23 Again and again he rose, took a big chestful of air, and went down.
他一次又一次地冒出水面,吸足气再潜下去。 |