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Soda water has made up the vacancy of this field in China, another country to exploit besides France, German, Russia and Japan.

Socrates: Everything has a purpose, even this, and its up to you to find it. 苏格拉底:每件事情都有它的意义,即使这件也不例外,关键取决于你能否找到它。
Socrates: There is no starting or stopping - only doing. 苏格拉底:并没有什么开始或停止;只有做。
Socrates: This moment is the only thing that matters. 苏格拉底:这个时刻是唯一要紧的事情。
Sod trying to play football and start playing the percentages. 站在场上就要全力去踢,以百分百的姿态开始。
Soda pop provides the average 12- to 19-year-old boy with about 15 teaspoons of refined sugars a day and the average girl with about 10 teaspoons a day. 汽水平均大约提供15个茶匙的精糖给12-19岁的男孩,女孩们则大约为10茶匙.
Soda water has made up the vacancy of this field in China, another country to exploit besides France, German, Russia and Japan. 天然苏打水,填补了我国稀有矿产资源天然苏打水的空白,是继法国、德国、俄罗斯、日本又一发现国。
Soda-Lead concentrates smelting process was put forward according to the characteristics of As-Cu-Pb alloy produced by Copper dross smelting with Soda-Lead concentrate in a smelter. 摘要针对某冶炼厂采用铜浮渣苏打-铅精矿熔炼法产砷铜铅合金的特点,提出合金苏打-铅精矿熔炼法。
Sodalite: Protection from external negative energy. 方钠石:有助于抵制外界的负面能量。
Sodium An element found in all terrestrial plants, although it is believed not to be essential in most, with the exception of some salt-tolerant C4 plants. 钠:在所有陆生植物中均能发现的一种化学元素。除了一些耐盐C4植物,钠对其余大多数并非必需元素。
Sodium and water react (together). 钠和水能起反应.
Sodium benzoate has the ability to switch off vital parts of a person's DNA, according to research from a British university. 依据一所英国大学的研究发现:苯甲酸钠具有使一个人DNA中关键部分停止工作的能力。

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