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Only theories stipulating large variations in dark energy density have been ruled out.

Only then did I understand what he meant. 只到那时我才明白他的意思。
Only then did we realize that the man was blind. 直到那时我们才发现那个人是盲人。
Only then shall we marvel that in spite of our weakness, God is willing to save us. 只有那时我们才会惊叹,仅管我们自己软弱,但神还是愿意拯救我们。
Only then will the technology go beyond, as Microsoft's Richardson puts it, mere “MT promises. 就像微软的李查森所言,唯有如此,机器翻译技术才能突破口头上的保证。
Only then, Baula, will you be able to understand Zen -- through experience, not through any intellectual effort. 勃拉,只在那时,你才能理解禅——通过经验,而不是通过知性的努力。
Only theories stipulating large variations in dark energy density have been ruled out. 只有那些暗能量密度变动太大的理论被排除在外。
Only there's a chattel mortgage on my machine equipment. 在我的机器设备上只有一项动产抵押。
Only these beautiful creatures leisurely enjoyed themselves in the dusk. 只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。
Only they are not held here. 只不过不是在这里举行而已。
Only they are scrupulous about maintaining a professional aloofness. 只有他们才会谨小慎微,保持着一种职业的冷漠态度。
Only thick leaves were left behind. 只留下了厚厚的叶子。

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