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Please stick Out your tongue.

Please stay awhile. 请逗留片刻。
Please stay in your seat and keep your seat belt fastened until the sign has been turned off. 请在安全带信号消失前坐在座位上,系好安全带。
Please stay where you are, we'll have a patrol car there in two minutes. 请您呆在原地,两分钟之内我们派巡逻车过来。
Please stay with me a moment longer I'm getting to the point of the story. 请再听我往下说--我这就说到关键内容了.
Please step behind the police barricade. 请站在警戒线后。
Please stick Out your tongue. 请伸出舌头。
Please stick each note on its relevant picture. 请把纸条贴在图中相应的鸟的下面。
Please stick our your tongue. 请伸出舌头.
Please stick the stamp on the front of the envelope. 请在信封正面贴上邮票。
Please stick/fix the poster for me. 请帮我贴/修海报!
Please stop by the cleaner's on your way home and collect my coat. 回来时请顺路去一下洗衣店把我的外套取来。

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