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Researchers think that worlds are born from disks of gas and dust encircling stars.

Researchers suspect the decline in male births can be explained, at least in part, by paternal exposure to environmental toxins, such as certain pesticides, heavy metals, solvents or dioxins -- chemical byproducts produced during incineration or the manuf 研究人员怀疑,男孩出生数量的下降一部分是由于父亲与杀虫剂、重金属、溶剂或二恶英等环境中的有毒物质的接触造成的,这些有毒物质是在燃烧或制造其它化学物质过程中所产生的化学副产品。
Researchers telephoned residents and made negative characterizations, such as “people in your community are lousy drivers.” In separate calls later, the subjects who had been insulted were more likely than others to agree to help a food co-op. 在史蒂尔的实验里,研究人员打电话到民众家里,用「你们社区里的人开车技术都很差劲」这类的负面句子描述对方;在打给好几户人家之后,发现受到屈辱的受试者比其他人更可能同意参加一项食品销售合作。
Researchers then puffed a solution without the chemical stimuli into the mouse's nose. 接着,研究人员向小鼠鼻内急速喷入一种不含该化学刺激剂的溶液,结果嗅觉神经元只有较小的反应。
Researchers then took saliva and tongue coating samples to measure bacteria levels and odour-causing compounds, including hydrogen sulphide. 然后研究者们提取了他们唾液和舌苔的样本,用于测量(口腔内的)细菌水平和能诱发异味的化合物,如硫化氢。
Researchers then undertook development work with groups of the teachers to help build on the most successful methods. 然后研究人员和教师们一道从事开发,以期造就最成功的教学方法。
Researchers think that worlds are born from disks of gas and dust encircling stars. 研究人员认为,行星世界诞生于环绕著恒星的气体与尘埃盘。
Researchers thought of the damage as basically a software problem amenable to reprogramming via therapy or simply erasable through the exhortation “Get over it. 总之,研究人员认为这类伤害基本上属于「软体」问题,可以经由心理治疗加以重新程式化而修补,或是经由「把它忘了吧」之类的告诫而抹去。
Researchers thought that such precise injection was impossible in a laser wakefield accelerator because the accelerating structure is microscopic and short-lived. 研究人员认为在尾迹场加速器中不可能这麽精准的注入电子,因为加速的过程是微观而且短暂的。
Researchers used a seven-item questionnaire to determine whether people felt a need to spend money,whether they were aware that their spending behavior was aberrant, whether they bought things to improve their mood and whether their buying habits had led 研究人员使用七项问卷来决定,是否人们觉得有必要花钱,他们是否明白,他们的消费行为已偏离常轨,他们买东西是否只为了改善心情及他们的购物习惯,是否已经造成财物困难。
Researchers will closely examine the health of blood vessels and explore the biological processes that underpin the changes. 研究人员将仔细检查血管的健康状况并探究(血管)变化背后的生理过程。
Researchers with the RAND Corp. also examined the socioeconomic -- education and household income -- position of each participant. 研究者也同时调查了测试者的社会经济状况--受教育程度,家庭收入,社会地位。

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