Study on vegetation coverage and its dynamic change of Beijing suburbs by remote sensing——A case study of Huairou district
北京郊区植被覆盖变化动态遥感监测——以怀柔区为例 |
Study on microwave extraction of alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroides L.
微波法提取苦豆子生物碱的研究 |
Aqueous Two-phase System Extraction of Arginine Deiminase
双水相体系萃取精氨酸脱亚胺酶 |
Nesting Characteristics of Yellow-bellied Prinia, Prinia flaviventris
黄腹山鹪莺的营巢特征 |
Spectroscopic Studies on the Interaction of New Type Pyrene-containing Fluorescent Probe with Proteins
新型含芘荧光探针分子与蛋白质相互作用的光谱研究 |
Studies on the Preparation of DNA-SWNTs Modified Electrode and Its Interaction with VB6
DNA共价修饰单壁碳纳米管电极的制备及与VB6相互作用的研究 |
Construction of Antibiosis-free Mutant of Bacillus cereus by Tn917 Transposon Insertion
利用转座子Tn917构建蜡样芽孢杆菌抑菌活性丧失突变株 |
Agrobactrium tumefaciens mediated DREB1A gene transfer to Lolium multiflorum and optimization of its genetic transformation
农杆菌介导的DREB1A基因转化多花黑麦草及其转化体系的优化 |
Sucrose Transport and Translocation Pathways in the Sugarcane
甘蔗体内的蔗糖转运与运输途径 |
Attenuation of Light Intensity and Its Application to the Culture of Microalgae
海洋微藻培养中的光衰减研究 |
Molecular actions guiding neural regeneration in planarian
涡虫神经再生的分子机制(英文) |