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Plant monoecious: staminate flowers on obovoid or club-shaped stiff spikes, 1.5-2 cm long; pistilate flowers in a dense globose head.

Plant high 54cm, with 45.5cm canopy. Green leaves, with purple petiole. Round root. White flesh and red skin. Single fruit weight is about 400g. 植株半直立,株高54厘米,开展度45.5厘米。叶片绿色,叶面微皱,叶柄紫红色。肉质根圆形,似灯笼,尾锐尖,肉白色,单根重400克左右。
Plant high 60cm. Green leaves. Root length is 50-70cm, with maximum diameter 9,5cm. White flesh and smooth. Single radish weighs 3-5kg. 80-90 days harvest. 叶簇半直立,株高60厘米,叶色绿,叶面有刺毛,裂叶。肉质根圆形,尾部尖,长50-70厘米。最大横径9.5厘米。有二分之一露出地面,皮肉均白色,表面滑,侧根少,单个重3-5公斤,生长期80-90天。
Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. 植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。
Plant life could not exist without lightning. 要是没有闪电,植物就不可能生存。
Plant life; marine life. 植物;海洋生物
Plant monoecious: staminate flowers on obovoid or club-shaped stiff spikes, 1.5-2 cm long; pistilate flowers in a dense globose head. 雌雄同株:雄花序倒卵形或棒状,长1.5-2厘米;雌花序圆头状。
Plant population varies from 1,400 to 1,600 plants per hectare and the plantation is kept in the field for several ratoons using suckers coming from the mother plant. 种植密度保持在1400株/公顷到1600株/公顷,种植园田地上留下母株的根出条所形成的截根苗。
Plant samples above ground were taken respectively at seedling stage, maximum tillering stage, full heading stage and full ripe stage for N, P, K, Si content analysis carried out according to routine analysis method for soil agro-chemistry. 在苗期、最大分蘖期、齐穗期和完熟期分别采取地上部分植株样本,按照“土壤农化常规分析法”化验氮、磷、钾、硅含量。
Plant trees, lots of trees. 种树。种很多很多树。
Plant up your wildlife pond with the second of Matthew Wilson's two-part project. 用马修威尔逊两部分项目中的第二部分充实您的野生生物池塘。
Plant uptake of a metal depends primarily on the free metal ion activity. 植物对金属的吸收主要取决于自由态离子活度。

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