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I have a younger sister, but I have no brother.

I have a wonderful mother. She is not only witty but also smart. She is a substitute teacher in a kindergarten now. It is a very exacting job. 我有一个很神奇的妈妈,她不但风趣而且聪明。她现在是个幼稚园的代课老师,这是个辛苦的工作。
I have a wonderful recipe: bring two gnomes, two eggs. Beat the gnomes, separate the eggs, uhh, was it…bah, details. 我有一个绝妙的配方:准备两个侏儒,两个鸡蛋。揍侏儒,把鸡蛋分开。呃,之后是。。。算了,其他只是细节而已~(可怜的侏儒。。。)
I have a yen for some chocolate. 我亟望一些巧克力。
I have a yet more important thing to say. 我有一件重要的事情要说。
I have a young family, an all-size-and-shape family. I am 49 and 50 is round the corner. 我刚刚有个家,一个各样人都有的家。我已经是四五十岁的人了。
I have a younger sister, but I have no brother. 我有一个妹妹,但没有兄弟。
I have a younger sister. 我有个妹妹。
I have about 20 days left for my vacation and have just discovered that I will not be able to go to Qingdao, as I had planned, and am looking for something to do for about a week. 我吃大约20天剩下我的假期和发现,我不会能去青岛,如同我计划了,并且上午寻找某事做大约一个星期。
I have absolute trust in the (skill of) doctors. 我绝对相信医生(的医术).
I have access to his office. 我可以进出他的办公室。
I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months. 在过去几个月里,我完成了相当多的工作。

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