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They have no control over him.

They have no children despite they are thirty. 他们已年过三十,但还没有孩子。
They have no choice but to keep silent. 除了保持安静,我们别无选择。
They have no choice but to lie down and sleep . 他们别无选择,只好躺下来睡觉。
They have no claim to this property. 他们没有权利要求这份财产。
They have no complimentary in-flight services, so bring your own lunch! 它们没有附带的机上服务,所以要自备午餐!
They have no control over him. 他们控制不了他。
They have no formal contract, but he is, in effect, her manager. 他们没有正式的合约,但实际上他是她的经理人。
They have no franchise as the interpreters to the readers. 他们没有向读者解释的特权。
They have no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of the hydra's head, but as soon as one head is crushed, two spring up. 他们也没有依俄拉斯这样的赫拉克勒斯的忠仆,用一块火红的烙铁,来烙印那九头怪兽,它是被割去了一个头,还会长出两个头来的。
They have no friends except us. 除我们之外他没有什么朋友。
They have no incentive to look after and utilize the forest. 他们没有照看和利用森林资源获取利益的意识。

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