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For the polar regions, the model is the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a frozen desert in a landscape of endless ice.

For the perspective, IT.com.cn will explore into the living attitude and style behind the products themselves, for the sincere purpose of building up a perfect digitized living space for you and leading the fantastic digitized life in the future. 未来,IT世界网将深及产品背后的生活态度和方式,竭诚为您构建完美数字生活空间,潇洒领航未来精彩数字生活。
For the perverse man is an abomination to Jehovah, But His intimate counsel is with the upright. 32因为乖僻人为耶和华所憎恶;祂亲密的指教与正直人同在。
For the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear. 成堆衣服要洗要烫——我的衣服可多了。
For the pipe section with natural gas hydrates formed,several effective methods to treat NGH are suggested to use ,that is ,depressurizing as fast as possible;heating the pipe ;injecting methanol/ethylene glycol and venting. 指出对已形成水化物的管道段,可采取尽快降低运行压力、加热、注醇和放空等措施进行处理。
For the plugins that are registered at runtime, the name of the plugin function(s) does not have to follow the naming convention. 只在运行时装载的插件的函数名称不需要遵守命名约定。
For the polar regions, the model is the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a frozen desert in a landscape of endless ice. 至于极地,则以地球南极洲的乾谷为模型,比拟成无边冰原中的一片冰冻荒漠。
For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. 申15:11原来那地上的穷人永不断绝、所以我吩咐你说、总要向你地上困苦穷乏的弟兄松开手。
For the popularity figures of CE Donald Tsang, Secretaries of Departments and Directors of Bureaux released today, since their polling cycles are all different, comparisons should only be made after the figures are synchronized. 06是次发放涉及特首、司长和局长的民望数字,由于调查周期不同,同步变化应以同步周期的数字比较。
For the population as a whole, we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticide that invisibly pollute our world. 从人口(人类)的总体考虑,我们必须更多地关注摄入少的、在不知不觉中污染我们世界的杀虫剂所造成的延缓效应。
For the preparation of an all-out war in the Pacific, Japanese Colonial Authority planned to transform Taiwan into a military-industrial complex from 1935, thus establishing human and material base for primary industries in Taiwan, processing rubber and t 1935年后,日本殖民政权为了准备发动太平洋战争,规划将台湾做为军需工业生产基地,开始在台湾培养初阶工业人才,建立初阶工业,将日人自南洋掠夺的橡胶、锡等原料加工为军需物资,供应日军战争所需。
For the present situation of seriously over-exploited groundwater resources and the rapid declining level of groundwater in the Minqin Oasis in the lower reach of Shiyang river, as well as the induced effects of ecology and environment, the concept and ca 摘要针对石羊河下游民勤绿洲地下水资源严重超采,地下水位持续快速下降的现状,以及所引起的生态环境效应,提出了恢复地下水位生态需水量的概念和计算方法,并且预测出2000-2019各年恢复地下水位生态需水量。

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