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Analogy is one of Eckhart's methods which descibes God's transcendence, and man, by necessity, is compelled by his own nothingness to return to God,the source of his existence.

Analogous Descrbing structures that are apparently similar(structurally or functionally)but have a different evolutionary origin, and thus a different embryological origin and structure. 同功的:功能上相同,有时形状也相似,但其来源和基本结构不同的器官。
Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name. 和EJB中定义的同名事务属性类似。
Analogously, the problem in the landscape model is to add the energies of fluxes up to the desired value for the whole vacuum, 10-120. 相较之下,地景模型要处理的则是将通量能量相加以至整个真空的期望值,即10-120。
Analogue instrument with a moving coil designed and made for the display of electrical measurements from the lecturer, during the demonstration of school workshops. 模拟仪器,有移动线圈,在实验室内教师用来演示电子测量。
Analogy and correspondence provide fundamental structure for the universe. This is a broad statement of the Hermetic axiom - As above, so below. 类似和相应为宇宙提供了基本构造。这是赫密斯公理的概括陈述——“以下,如上”。
Analogy is one of Eckhart's methods which descibes God's transcendence, and man, by necessity, is compelled by his own nothingness to return to God,the source of his existence. 对艾克哈而言,类比更指出神的超越性,而人被虚无所逼必须藉「诞生」,和「突破」回归到神——自身存在的根。
Analying the occuring mechnism and effect factor of defect from flux-cored wire in ship welding ,the solution has been given in material selection, technological design and site control ,which will make the conrect application of flux-cored wire and highe 摘要分析了药芯焊丝在船舶焊接中常见缺欠的产生机理和影响因素,从材料选型、工艺设计和现场控制等方面提出防止对策,有助于药芯焊丝的正确应用,提高了船舶焊接质量。
Analying the status in quo of access Intranet and introducing the technology of VPN, this paper put forword an economical and flexible project and gave the way and step of deploying VPN. 摘要分析了远程接入企业内部办公网络的现状,介绍了VPN技术,提出了一种非常经济、方便灵活的解决方案,给出了详尽的配置思路与配置步骤。
Analyse of non-conformity goods, verify the validity of corrective and preventive action. 对不合格成品进行失效分析,并验证纠正和预防措施的有效性。
Analyse production status and balance throughput. 生产状况的分析,平衡生产能力。
Analyse production, material, capacity, bottleneck problems which concern with sales plan achievement through information platform. Submit solutions to the management. 2应用信息技术平台分析公司在实现销售目标方面存在的诸如生产,物流,产能,设备瓶颈方面存在的问题。并向管理层提出解决方案。

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