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BARENBROGK M.Effect of bicarbonate-and lactate-bufered replacement fluids on cardiovascular outcome in CVVH patients[J].Kidney Int,2000,58 (8):1751.

BAO Zheng's thoughts about ruling the country with lawand his impartiality in executing the law showed that he was well worthy of the representative of honest and upright officials in China. 摘要包拯的“以法律提衡天下”的法治主张以及执法如山的实践,特别是他身上体现出的清官的特质,都说明他是中国清官文化当之无愧的代表人物。
BAO's legal thoughts had a long cultural origin which was the result of Confucian, Taoism etc. 包拯的法律思想有着深厚的文化渊源,其实际上是儒家、法家、道家等综合影响作用的产物。
BARBARA CASTLE, Labor MP, 1945-1979: We knew that our people would never have withstood the bombardments and the loss of life and the hardship if they hadn't been confident that their government was operating a policy of fair shares. 工党下院议员,1945-1979年:我们知道如果不是人民确信政府正实行公平参与地政策,那么他们决不会经得住炮轰、死亡和困难。
BARCELONA coach Frank Rijkaard has played down talk of a move for Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard. 巴塞罗那主教练弗兰克-里杰卡尔德淡化谈及切尔西中场弗兰克-兰帕德的转会.
BARCELONA have joined Real Madrid in the £10million hunt for Gabriel Heinze. 巴塞罗那已经像皇马一样加入了猎取海因策的队伍中.
BARENBROGK M.Effect of bicarbonate-and lactate-bufered replacement fluids on cardiovascular outcome in CVVH patients[J].Kidney Int,2000,58 (8):1751. 黄东健,徐如祥,瞿文军,等.高容量血液滤过对复苏后综合征的疗效观察[J].实用医学杂志,2004,20(10):1093-1095.
BARRY M A,HOWELL D P,ANDERSSON H A,et al.Expression library immunization to discover and improve vaccine antigens[J].Immunol Rev,2004(199):69-63. 孙树汉.核酸疫苗及其在疾病免疫防治中的应用[J].第二军医大学学报,2001,21(6):28-30.
BARRY SCHWARTZ is Dorwin Cartwright Professor of Social Theory and Social Action in the department of psychology at Swarthmore College, where he has taught since 1971. 史瓦兹是美国史瓦斯摩学院心理系社会理论与社会行动领域的卡特莱特讲座教授,他从1971年便在此任教。
BARTER, not only between you and me, but up to all of us. 易物不仅仅是两个人的事情,我们大家可以一起来,只要你愿意,只要你高兴。
BAS(Building Automation System)includes central air-coon,cooling unit,water supply and discharge,electrical supply and distribution,public area lighting,elevator,billing systems. BAS楼宇自动化系统,中央空调、冷冻机组、给排水、变配电、公共照明、电梯、三表抄送及空调自动计费系统。
BASED ON STUDIES using the Stanford scales, researchers with very different theoretical perspectives now agree on several fundamental principles of hypnosis. 由于研究者都以史丹佛量表为研究基础,持不同理论观点的研究者对于催眠的几项基本原理,已建立了共识。

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