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Now it's up to Michael, Nikita and Birkoff to outwit the A.I. before Section One and everyone inside it are destroyed.

Now it's time for the Hall of Fame, A place where you can customise your physical environment to represent the trophies you've won in PS3 games. 现在是名人堂时间,这个地方你可以自定义物理环境来展现你自己的PS3游戏奖杯。
Now it's time that you played your trump card. 现在是你摊王牌的时候了。
Now it's time to actually install, so open up your CYGWIN bash shell again. 现在该真正开始安装了,所以再次打开CYGWIN程序。
Now it's time to make a project instruction plan. 现在是做项目说明书的时候了。
Now it's time to sing along. 现在是唱下去的时候了。
Now it's up to Michael, Nikita and Birkoff to outwit the A.I. before Section One and everyone inside it are destroyed. 现在,唯有靠碧高、力姬与米高与「假碧高」斗智斗力,方可拯救组织内的成员。
Now it's very average. 现在只是很平常的一块场地了。
Now it's your turn, Toad,’ said the girl. ‘Take off that coat and waistcoat of yours; you're fat enough as it is. “现在,蟾蜍,该轮到你了,”女孩说。“脱掉你身上的外衣和马甲;你已经够胖的了。”
Now it\'s possible to be both safe and stylish. 现在你可以同时拥有安全性和时尚感。
Now its charismatic co-founder, Steve Jobs, has transformed the corporate pitch. 而极具人格魅力的公司创始人史蒂夫?乔布斯将公司提升到了一个新的高度。
Now its main farm products for demand korea agorae are vacuum-packed vegetable ,totally more than 50 varieties, included chilli, Thomson Kudzu, Chinese chive flower, peas, arrowhead, fresh mushroom, fresh lily, pomelo, orange, and so on. 目前,公司主要针对韩国农产品市场的需求、开展了辣椒,粉葛、韭菜花、鲜菇、鲜百合、沙田柚、柑桔、慈菇、荷兰豆等50多种。

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