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In the past,women were regarded as inferior to men.
过去,人们认为女人不如 男人.

In the past, when angered by Taiwan's manoeuvring, China has rattled its sabre, with the unintended consequence of boosting support for the DPP. 过去,大陆一旦被台湾的挑衅激怒,便以战争恫吓,却往往事与愿违,反而增加了民进党的支持率。
In the past, when population grew, there was unexplored territory to inhabit. But now, almost all the habitable land has been explored. 过去,人口增长时,有未开发的土地用于居住。但是现在,几乎所有的居住用地都已经被开发了。
In the past, you can only see these chairs and cabinets only in fictions and albums, you may repine, but can't have one, or you can only possess of a mimic just to console yourself. 在过去,这些精美的桌椅、橱柜都只能在小说里读到、在画册上看到,人们心向往之,却无法真正拥有;又或者,只能制造出些仿制品来聊以自慰,却总叫人觉得缺了点原汁原味的气韵,始终不能圆满。
In the past,the Russians have always used sledge - hammer tactics in trying to take over Iran. 过去,俄国人总是运用一些具有毁灭性致命打击的战术企图接管伊朗。
In the past,we used to have a rest on Saturday and Sunday. 过去,我们都是在周六和周日休息。
In the past,women were regarded as inferior to men. 过去,人们认为女人不如 男人.
In the past,you never studied.Now you study all the time,that's the spirit! (老师对学生说)过去,你从不学习。现在你一个劲儿地学,就这样做!
In the past, Magnesia-Alumina-Spinel bricks were considered as state of the art for chrome-free kiln linings in the cement industry. 过去,在水泥行业中,镁铝尖晶石砖被认为是最先进的无铬衬砌方案。
In the pathway of visceral nociceptive impulses ascending from GSN to ACG, some neurons might contain acetylcholine, and have M-receptor. 在内脏大神经传导的内脏痛觉冲动到达扣带回前部神经元的传入通路中存有胆碱能神经元,并通过M受体起作用。
In the patients with incident AMD, no difference was found between groups compared with placebo. 结果发现,随机应用氧化剂组在AMD发生率上与安慰剂组无统计学差异。
In the penal farm, I always contact with the villager who came for trading. 在劳改农场,我就经常和来给我们做买卖的老乡打交道。

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