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For example, the FIPB has asked Vodafone why it bragged in a press release of buying 67% of Hutchison Essar if, as it now claims, it stands to own only 52%.

For example, suppose several different Web sites contain medical information or provide medical e-commerce services. 例如,假设几个不同的网站包含医疗信息或提供医疗电子商务服务。
For example, suppose the tree contains a file which is in a binary format that cannot be automatically merged, and that this file has been modified in both the origin and the target. 例如,假设一棵树,包含了一个有二进制格式不能自动合并的文件,而且那个文件在源和目标中都被修改了。
For example, tailors could not make clothes for children contrary to the wishes of their parents and young people needed their parents' permission to marry. 举例说,裁缝师不可以做衣服给违背父母心意的小孩,年轻男女需要经过父母同意才能结婚。
For example, telling people that they are good for nothing, that they are lazy, and that they are this, and that they are that. 比如,对别人说他们什么都不擅长,说他们很懒,说他们这样、那样。
For example, the 16,000 Rotarians who gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, in 1988 will never forget the exuberant celebration following the announcement that Rotarians had almost doubled their fundraising goal for PolioPlus. 例如16,000名在1988年参加美国宾州费城国际年会的扶轮社员们,永远也不会忘记当年会宣布扶轮社员们几乎达成两倍的根除小儿痲痹计画募款目标那一刻,全场欢欣鼓舞的情形。
For example, the FIPB has asked Vodafone why it bragged in a press release of buying 67% of Hutchison Essar if, as it now claims, it stands to own only 52%. 比如说,印度外国投资促进委员会已经质问沃达丰,为什么在新闻发布会上夸口买下了和记埃萨尔67%的股份,但现在却只承认拥有其52%的股份。
For example, the Fitters found that recent changes in the flowering times of plants are not uniform across species. 举例来说,菲特父子发现近年来植物开花时间的改变,在不同物种之间也不一致。
For example, the Gnomish Mind Control Cap should no longer trigger the cooldown of the Talisman of Arathor. 举例来说,使用侏儒洗脑帽将不再导致阿拉索护符进入冷却时间。
For example, the Summoning Charm brings an object to the caster. 比如,召唤咒把一个物体带给它的作者。
For example, the United States Small Business Administration operates the Small Business Investment Company program which allows venture capital entities to obtain government funds to supplement venture capital investing in qualified companies. 举例来说,美国小型商业署实施的小型商业投资公司项目就使得风险资本实体能够获得政府的资金援助,以补充风险资本对合格公司的投资。
For example, the Yeti and the Bigfoot creatures of our world are not the same thing at all, but in Rowling's world they are, according to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 比如说,在我们的世界中,雪人和大脚怪根本是完全不同的两种动物,但是根据《神奇动物在哪里》,它们在罗琳的世界中是指同一种动物。

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