In unsullied damp brown circles of soft earth the roses bloomed serenely against the pink Mexican wall.
在未受污染的圆形花坛潮湿柔软的褐土上,映衬着粉色的墨西哥墙,玫瑰花安详地开放。 |
In upla n d fields, the soil phosphorus content was also increased, whereas soil organic m a tter and potassium were obvious reduced.
由于钾肥施用不足,水田、旱地土壤钾素含量都明显降低。 |
In urban areas it grew by 32.7%, year-on-year, in March alone.
在城市地区,仅在三月份,这个数字就增长了32.7%。 |
In urban areas the role of the residents' committees and other community organizations at the grass-roots level shall be brought into play in organizing residents to carry out sports activities.
城市应当发挥居民委员会等社区基层组织的作用,组织居民开展体育活动。 |
In urban areas, a basic social security system than combines social pooling account and individual account was basically set up.
城市初步建立了一个社会统筹与个人账户相结合的社会保障体系。 |
In urban centers like New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, the music concentrated on vocal interplay and smooth productions.
如在大都市城市如纽约、费城和芝加哥,音乐的重点放在人声的交替轮唱和流畅的制作上。 |
In urban development, planning first is the guarantee of building a resource thrift and environment friendly society.
城市发展,规划先行是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要保证。 |
In urology, the first successful clinical application was laparoscopic ligation of internal spermatic vein to treat varicocele in 1991.
泌尿外科中,1991年首先成功地运用腹腔镜进行内精索静脉结扎术来治疗精索静脉曲张。 |
In use this electrode was immersed in electrolyte but after use it was washed (automatically) in deionized water and air dried.
电池在使用时,要浸入到电解液中,使用完毕则要用去离子水对其进行清洗(自动完成),之后自然风干。 |
In use, ground-station failures were common, and if a human operator was not available to reactivate the equipment manually, the satellite signal could be lost—and with it, all the data for that orbit.
卫星地面站经常在运作过程中发生故障,如果不安排操作人员以手动的方式让仪器恢复运作,地面站就可能失去卫星的讯号,连带失去来自该轨道的所有资料。 |
In uses in front of the software the usual use stick plot or the thick line network chart, after use the software to work thin, two not good comparisons, thus frugal time not too good quantification.
在使用软件之前通常使用柱状图或粗线条网络图,使用软件后工作更细化,两者不好比较,从而节约的时间不太好量化。 |