Principle 3: Use pull-type systemto avoid over-production.
原则3:使用“后拉式制度”以避免生产过剩。 |
Principle 4 people respond to incentives.
原则4,人们对刺激性因素的响应。 |
Principle 4: Average work load (Equalization).We should work like the tortoise in the race.
原则4:使工作负荷平均(平准化),工作应该像龟兔赛跑中的乌龟一样。 |
Principle 6: The standardization of duties is the base of continuing to improve and authorize staff.
原则6:职务工作的标准化是持续改善与授权员工的基础。 |
Principle 6: The standardization of duties is the base of continuing to improve authorize staff.
原则6:职务工作的标准化是持续改善与授权员工的基础。 |
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
原则6:消除在雇佣和职业上的歧视。 |
Principle Indications: the cerebral infarction, the cerebral hemorrhage hemiparalysis, the hemiparalysis sequela, the brain trauma sequela, the encephalatrophy, the senile dementia, the infantile brain paralysis, the coronary heart disease, the high blood
主治:脑梗塞、脑出血所致偏瘫、偏瘫后遗症、脑外伤后遗症、脑萎缩、老年痴呆、小儿脑瘫、冠心病、高血脂、高血粘度、高血压、脑动脉硬化等。 |
Principle Lin is a noble gentleman, well educated and wholehearted of love, and we know all the students in Shen Ken School will grow up with happiness and we wish the computer will strengthen the competitive ability of our children and make our education
孩子是我们未来的希望所冀,深坑国小林建棕校长是一位兼具崇高教育理念、爱心及学养的一位学者,我们相信深坑国小的小朋友们在林校长的带领之下是幸福的、快乐的长大。 |
Principle of operationThe ring hammer granular crusher makes use of impact hitting hammer rings cross mounted on the rotating rotor to crush materiel. after first crushed by impact force of hammer rings, the materiel is then pressed, sheared and ground be
工作原理环锤式破碎机利用旋转的转子带动环锤对物料进行冲击破碎,被冲击后的物料又在环锤和破碎板、筛板之间受到压缩、剪切、碾磨作用,使物料达到所需的粒度,被破碎后的物料经筛板的栅孔落下,不能被破碎的铁块、木块、石块等经拨料板拨进除铁室.本机具有鼓风量小、振动值小,环锤等易损件寿命长等特点。 |
Principle of prudence should be followed in reasonably deter-mining the possible loss and expense.
会计核算应当遵循谨慎原则的要求,合理核算可能发生的损失和费用。 |
Principle10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
企业应反对各种形式的贪污,包括敲诈、勒索和行贿受贿。 |