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MOM: And don't hum at the table. We'll be talking about important things.

MOFCOM may send its staff members to the countries (regions) concerned to carry out investigation if it deems necessary to do so, unless the countries (regions) concerned object to such an investigation. 商务部认为必要时,可以派出工作人员赴有关国家(地区)进行调查;但是,有关国家(地区)提出异议的除外。
MOFCOM may suggest price undertakings to the exporter. 商务部可以向出口经营者提出价格承诺的建议。
MOFCOM shall not force the exporter to enter into price undertakings. 商务部不得强迫出口经营者作出价格承诺。
MOFCOM shall treat the information submitted by the interested party as confidential if they consider that the request for confidentiality is justifiable, and shall require the interested party to provide non-confidential summaries thereof. 商务部认为保密申请有正当理由的,应当对利害关系方提供的资料按保密资料处理,同时要求利害关系方提供一份非保密的该资料概要。
MOI KLENT V OTPUSKU I JA NEMOGU OTVETIT DO 2005-08 -10. KAK ON VERNIOTSE, JA VAM SOOB??U PO E-MAIL. OK. 朋友,我最近接到立陶宛客户的邮件,是立陶宛语,很遗憾本人能力有限,拜托你帮忙一下先!
MOM: And don't hum at the table. We'll be talking about important things. (在桌上不要哼歌,因为我们要讲重要的事。)
MOM:What's the matter, children? 妈妈:孩子们,你们怎么了?
MOMA's own publications are prominently featured, but the small selection of non-MOMA books in a narrow aisle between the Potemkin bookcase and the front windows is devoted to a melange of gift books, monographs on evergreen subjects like Van Gogh, childr 现代艺术博物馆本身的出版物特征非常鲜明,但是在波坦金书架和前窗之间的狭窄的通道间有一小部分不是由现代艺术博物馆出版的刊物,这些书混杂着寄赠书,关于一些永不过时像论凡高主题的专论,儿童书籍,还有种种赶时髦写出的所谓“观察”之类的书,这些书尽可能的以非主流的方式让这里过分熟悉的艺术气息焕然一新。
MONCEF ZOUALI, an immunologist and molecular biologist, is a director of research at INSERM, the French national institute for medical research. 曹利是一位免疫学家及分子生物学家,目前是法国国家卫生与医学研究院(INSERM)的院长。
MONDAY, April 23 (HealthDay News) -- Neither induced abortion nor miscarriage appears to influence breast cancer risk in premenopausal women, a new U.S. study concludes. 周一,4月23日(每日健康新闻)--堕胎和流产似乎都不会影响绝经前妇女的乳腺癌患病风险。美国的一项新研究总结道。
MONEY! HA HA HA! I'M RICH! I CAN BUY OFF ANYONE! THE WORLD IS MINE! 钱!哈哈哈!我有钱!我可以收买任何人!世界是属于我的!

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