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Severe chest pain could mean a heart attack. Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . Severe chest or back pain could be a sign of a heart attack.

Severe beating at blow room which has caused seed coat fragmentation. 棉籽壳在滤尘室遭到剧烈的开松,以至破裂。
Severe breaks may require an operation to hold the bone together with metal plates and screws. 严重骨折需要进行一个通过金属板以及螺钉来固定的手术。
Severe breaks may require an operation to hold the bone together with metal splents plates and sgrowsscrews. 严重的骨折可能需要做手术,用金属薄板和螺丝钉把骨头固定在一起。
Severe broke breaks may require an abration operation to hold the bone together with metal place plates and screws. 严重的骨折有可能需要进行手术,用金属薄板和螺丝把骨头固定在一起。
Severe cases will need to be kept under heat for the duration of treatment. 龟龟严重时,需要长期至于温暖的环境。
Severe chest pain could mean a heart attack. Severe stomach pain could be a sign of appendicitis . Severe chest or back pain could be a sign of a heart attack. 严重的胸痛可能是心脏病的征兆。严重的胃痛可能是盲肠炎的征兆。而严重的胸痛或背痛则意味着心脏病可能要发作。
Severe flooding can sweep away not just crops growing in the fields, but also the nutrient-rich topsoil and some subsoil. 严重的洪水不仅会冲走长在田里的庄稼,而且也会冲走富含养分的表土和一些底土。
Severe heat can help cause a heart attack or stroke. 高温炎热能导致心脏病发作。
Severe inflation has led to a great depreciation in the value of that nation's currency. 严重的通货膨胀致使那个国家的货币大幅度贬值。
Severe itching can interfere with sleep or lead to painful damage from scratching. 严重的搔痒会影响睡眠,或导致疼痛损伤。
Severe ocean storms happen less often in the southern hemisphere. There the season of greatest activity is between December and March. 强烈的海洋暴风雨很少在南半球发生。每年的十二月到次年的三月是暴风雨最活跃的的季节。

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