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Only a person with a sense of crisis can survive, develop and grow sturdy.

Only a minority of British households do/doesn't have a car. 英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。
Only a minority of the class voted for the plan. 班里只有少数学生投票赞成这项计划。
Only a nation of educated people could remain free. 只有由受过教育的人民组成的国家才能保持自由。
Only a people determined to ruin the next generation will refuse such Federal funds as public education may require. 译文:只有一个决心毁灭下一代的民族才会拒绝公共教育可能需要的联邦资金.
Only a person who takes risks is free. 只有敢去冒险的人才是自由的。
Only a person with a sense of crisis can survive, develop and grow sturdy. 只有有危机意识的人才能生存、发展和壮大。
Only a relatively small foreign and domestic debttotaling less than $40 million rema ined10, but the question of responsibility for its repayment remained a thorny issue because political leaders assumed that the states that paid the debt would ultimately 政府的外债与内债总额还剩下不到4000万美元,但是由谁来偿还这笔债务是个棘手的问题,因为政治领导人考虑到支付债务的州最终会阻碍政治权力的平衡。
Only a skeleton crew was needed while the ship was tied up in dock. 在船停泊在船坞期间只需要骨干船员。
Only a small district will be retained as a tourist enclave for in Shanghai, the bulldozer rules. 在上海,只有一小块区域被作为旅游区保留下来,这就是“推土机规则”。
Only a small portion of his property is lost. 他的财产中仅有一小部分损失了。
Only a small proportion of operating enterprises go bust each year - as opposed to inactive limited companies being wound up or struck off, which distorts the statistics. 每年只有一小部分在运营的企业会破产——这与不运转的有限公司破产或被淘汰是不同的,而这些有限公司使统计数字出现了扭曲。

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