Level 3 - Throws a magical lance at a target, slicing it for 215 damage and slowing it down by 30% for 3 seconds.
三级-掷出一支附有精神力量的矛,对目标造成215点伤害,并降低30%攻击速度和移动速度,持续2.5(10)秒。 |
Level 3 Communications, Inc. - build and operate fibre networks using Internet protocols.
为企业客户提供主机租用服务、伺服器托管、互联网连接和网络及系统管理服务。 |
Level 33-37: Improved Arcane Explosion is very good for pe instances you'll be doing at around pis level and up -- Gnomeregan, Razorfen Downs, Uldaman, Temple and on up really appreciate it.
32级:唤醒,每10分钟恢复一次魔法,这个级别几乎恢复满。非常好的技能。注意,40级左右效果就开始减弱,60级时只能恢复50%左右。 |
Level 33-37: Improved Arcane Explosion is very good for the instances you'll be doing at around this level and up -- Gnomeregan, Razorfen Downs, Uldaman, Temple and on up really appreciate it.
32级:唤醒,每10分钟恢复一次魔法,这个级别几乎恢复满。非常好的技能。注意,40级左右效果就开始减弱,60级时只能恢复50%左右。 |
Level 4 - Accelerates towards an enemy unit at a very fast rate. Reaching the target results in a 2.5 second immobilizing stun.
四级-极快地加速向一个目标冲去,击中他时造成2.5秒的晕眩。 |
Level 4 - Calls upon the aid of a Greater Hawk (invisibility) and a Greater Quilbeast (has 35% speed reduction poison attack). 90 second duration.
四级-召唤一只高等猫头鹰哨兵和一只高等豪猪。高等猫头鹰哨兵具有永久隐身能力,高等豪猪的毒性攻击降低35%的攻击速度和移动速度。 |
Level 4 - Channel a powerful globe of energy. When released, it deals damage to enemies in a line. Channels for 100 damage per second, for up to 5 seconds.
四级-将正相魔法积聚成球,每秒向其中凝聚100点的伤害。最大凝聚时间5秒,最大射程800。当释放时,对一条直线上的敌方单位造成伤害。 |
Level 4 - Enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 8 bonus armor and returning 40% of melee attack damage to enemies.
四级-在身上长出倒刺,增加8点的护甲,反馈40%的伤害给对他进行近身攻击的单位。 |
Level 4 - Gives 16% chance to redirect incoming damage into the area near her.
四级-有16%的几率将伤害折射到她周围400范围的区域中去。 |
Level 4 - Improve's Krobelus's other abilities. Carrion Swarm costs less mana and cools down quicker; Silence has a smaller mana cost; and Exorcism summons more Spirits. Also passively increases movement speed.
四级-降低食腐蝠群的4秒的冷却时间和20点的魔法消耗;降低沉默魔法4秒的冷却时间和40点的魔法消耗,同时使作用范围随沉默等级上升而上升;增加驱使恶灵所能召唤的恶灵的数量;提升8%的移动速度。 |
Level 4 - Improves Syllabear's synergies with his Spirit Bear companion and himself: The bear gets 40 bonus damage and 40 bonus movement speed, Rabid lasts 40 seconds longer, and True Form gains 400 bonus hit points.
四级-增加熊灵40点的攻击力和40的移动速度;增加狂猛40秒的持续时间;巨熊形态得到额外的400点的生命。 |