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No, I haven't finished that job yet-I seem to have spent the whole morning going round in circles, getting nowhere!

No, I have a handbook, though. 不知道,但是我有一本手册。
No, I have a hormone disorder. 不是的,我有激素紊乱症。
No, I have no contact with her. 没有。我和她没有一点儿联系。
No, I have not got any dutiable thing with me. 没有,我没带应交税的东西。
No, I have not. I have never been to the states. Have you? 不,我没有去过。我从来没有去过美国。你去过吗?
No, I haven't finished that job yet-I seem to have spent the whole morning going round in circles, getting nowhere! 不,我还没干完那项工作呢——整个上午我似乎都在忙来忙去,却忙不出个头绪来。
No, I haven't got any dutiable things with me. They are only personal thing. 没有,我没有带要上税的物品,都是我的私人物品。
No, I haven't, but I have been to Shannxi. 没有,我没去过,但我去过陕西。
No, I heard from my friends in UC Berkeley that people have to be UC resident to qualify for low tuition. 没听说过,住哪儿就是哪儿的居民呗。就象有的家长买不起好学区的房子,孩子上高中的时候在好学区租三年房子,孩子一样上好的公立学校。
No, I just came to chat. 不,我只是来聊天的。
No, I just feel cramped and painful. 不,我只是觉得逼仄和痛苦

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