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As a product of the class struggle of the British Industrial Revolution in the first half of the 19th century, the theory of Comparative Cost put forward by Ricardo David on the base of the Labor Theory of Value had revealed the possibility of achieving t

As a prep build you have a second set of sprint/blind/vanish that is going to help tremendously in this fight. 如果有预备的贼就有两次的机会急跑/致盲/消失,这将是非常大的帮助。
As a presentation of significance and value, political symbol has four functions such as providing social memory, seeking political approval, conforming ideology and carrying out socialization of politics and its goal is to prove and argue the legality of 摘要作为意义和价值表述的政治象征具有提供社会记忆、寻求政治认同整合意识形态和实施政治社会化四种文化功能,中心目标在于对政治权力的合法性论证和辩护。
As a primer in MCB's epoxy paint series on electroplated steel plate and light alloys in moderately contaminated environment. 作为名盾牌环氧漆系列的底漆涂在中等污染环境下的电镀钢板和轻合金板表面。
As a principal, how do you distribute leadership fairly? 身为领导者,如何合理地分配领导权?
As a product of Sino-Occidental cultural engagements, the theory of Sense of Nativeness suggests that people should base their reading of foreign cultures on their understanding of one's own national culture so that they can benefit from the cultural exch 摘要本土意识论是中西文化碰撞的产物,它主张人们在进行文化交流时应立足于本民族的传统文化来审视外来文化,同时反观自身,以取长补短。
As a product of the class struggle of the British Industrial Revolution in the first half of the 19th century, the theory of Comparative Cost put forward by Ricardo David on the base of the Labor Theory of Value had revealed the possibility of achieving t 比较成本说是十九世纪前叶英国产业革命时期阶级斗争的产物,李嘉图的比较成本说建立在劳动价值论的基础上,揭示了两国通过分工实现这种比较利益即节约社会劳动的可能性。
As a professional Flavors &Fragrances enterprise, we, OGC, possess not only specialized R&D group, flexible sales team, but also experienced technical support specialists in both of the flavors and fragrances sectors. 作为一家专业的香精香料公司,小川香料(上海)有限公司拥有强大的科研技术力量,灵活的专业销售团队,并且在食用香精和日用香精应用领域都配有经验丰富的技术人员。
As a professional agent of children's socialization, the teacher should intervene in children's socialization process with specific purposes. 摘要幼儿园教师作为社会委托的专业人员,应更有目的、有意识地干预和影响幼儿的社会化过程。
As a professional art structure, Daputang Gallery commits itself to promote Chinese culture and recommend outstanding Chinese artists and their fine works to public at home and abroad. 大朴堂画廊是一家致力于弘扬中华文化,向国内外人士推荐中国优秀艺术家及其精品的专业艺术机构。
As a professional basketball player, his performance is really worth nothing . 作为一个职业篮球手,他的表现很优秀.
As a professional company, the Autobase Carwash has incessantly adopted the latest micro-processing technology, advanced technical equipment and high-quality materials to produce refreshing products. 欧德巴斯作为专业厂家不断的采用最新的微处理技术、先进的技术设备以及高质量的材料推出产品。

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