Most wage claims are settled by compromise .
对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决. |
Most want to win, or at least, to place at the head of the pack.
大多数人想要取得胜利或者至少处于那一伙人的前列。 |
Most web pages use colors for different text elements. Both headers and links are often in a different color from the body text.
大多数网页使用不同颜色的字体。并且,标题和链接的颜色通常与页面主体本身的字体颜色不同。 |
Most weigh only a few kilograms.
大部分仅重几公斤。 |
Most were kidnapped for ransom and freed unharmed, but at least 30 have been killed as part of a campaign to drive out foreign troops and companies.
大部分为赎金被绑架并且安全释放,但是至少30已经为逐出外国的军队和公司的运动被杀。 |
Most were walled, closed their gates at night, and imposed some form of curfew.
大部分的城镇外有城墙环抱,入夜即关上城门并实行某种形式的宵禁。 |
Most werewolves believe that everything of consequence in the physical world has a reflection in the spirit world.
大多数狼人相信现实世界的一切是灵界的映射。 |
Most werewolves openly despise the major metropolises as cancerous tumors on the flesh of the world.
绝大多数狼人把那些巨大的中心城市看成是世界躯体上的癌瘤。 |
Most western companies are run this way.
大多数西方公司是以这种方式运作的。 |
Most westerners have at least one credit card (usually more).
许多西方人至少有一张信用卡(通常更多)。 |
Most who died in the tsunami or hurricanes this year may not have had anything to do with the sea in this lifetime.
大多数今年死于海啸或飓风的人可能在此生中并未对大海做过任何伤害。 |