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Based en the concept of integrated electrical and mechanical dynamics, an active vibration control circuit is connected with the servo loop of the antenna system to decrease the lateral vibration using the rotation energy.

Baseball's stature in the history of the United States is perhaps reflected more clearly in a simple dictionary rather than in the seven-centimetre-thick baseball encyclopaedia. 或许一本简单的字典比7厘米厚的棒球百科全书更能反映出棒球运动在美国历史上的地位。
Based Charitable principle, the principle of the value of life, respect for the principle of independence, fair public, and do not harm beneficial principle, the principle of optimal health, medical and so on the principle of confidentiality of medical et 本文从行善原则、生命价值原则、尊重自主原则、公平公益原则、有利与不伤害原则、医疗最优化原则、医疗保密原则等全面对现代医学伦理学的科学内涵进行了全面阐述,其中蕴涵着丰富的社会哲学、价值哲学、道德哲学等哲学思想。
Based On The 2 Most Recognized American &British English In The World And Using One Of The Most Powerful 21st Century Learning Methodologies Called The SuperBrain Learning Technology; It Has Become One Of The Most Authoritative &Sought-After Foundation En 英美(3+1)英语课程所教授的是现今2种最流行的英式和美式英语以及采用21世纪被评为最有效的“左右脑”学习方法,因而促使它成为最权威和最受欢迎的英语课程之一。
Based an the regional characteristics of water-town in Wujiang, as well as geographical position of Wujiang Municipal Library &Archives, the designer comprehensively considers its compatibility with surrounding buildings, fully meets the public demand, an 摘要依据吴江市江南水乡的地域特征和图书馆、档案馆所在城市位置,综合考虑图书馆、档案馆与周边建筑物的关系,在充分满足公众使用功能的条件下,力求将吴江市图书馆、档案馆设计成为一座体现吴江悠久历史、水乡文化兼其时代特征的标志性建筑。
Based an the viewpoint of architecture as organism and the growth concept, the article expounds the meaning of building growth, discusses the prototype confirmation, growth mode and course at the building with the instance, and takes growthas a kind of re 摘要将建筑视为一个有机体,从生长的理念出发,借助实例阐述了建筑生长的涵义,探讨了建筑生长原形确定、生长的方式和过程,并将“生长”作为建筑更新设计的一种方式。
Based en the concept of integrated electrical and mechanical dynamics, an active vibration control circuit is connected with the servo loop of the antenna system to decrease the lateral vibration using the rotation energy. 本方法主要以机、电一体的观念,在天线的电机动力伺服系统内,加入一抑制迴路,以天线电动机的旋转动力抑制天线的振动。
Based en the time frame of parts machining, this paper discusses the effect of process optimization under different time organizations en the shortening of processing cycle and gives practical suggestions for Geisha Kaizen in enterprises. 基于零件加工中的时间结构,探讨不同时间组织下工序优化对缩短生产过程加工周期的不同效果,为企业正确开展现场改善活动提供参考。
Based in China and the U.S., Viper manufactures and distributes quality, low-cost floor maintenance equipment. 威霸公司是生产和销售高质量、低成本的地面保养设备的公司,其生产基地位于中国和美国。
Based in Dalton, Georgia, U.S.A., the Tandus Group is one of the world's leaders in the commercial floorcoverings industry. 位于美国乔治亚州道尔顿市的坦德斯集团是全球商用地面材料行业的领导者之一。
Based in Fuzhou Road, a famous culture street in Shanghai, the company has such first-class bookstores as Art Bookshop, Ancient Books Store, Bo Gu Zhai Art Gallery, Social Science Bookstore, University Town Bookstore and Second-Handed Books Store, as well 公司坐落于沪上著名的福州路文化街,以艺术书坊、古籍书店、博古斋、社科书店、大学城书店、旧书店为重心,另有20多个中小型网点分布在市区各处。
Based in Macau, AYSTV is making full use of its advantages as an approved broadcaster in Mainland China and Southeast countries and of its alliance with various TV broadcasters in China and Southeast countries, and produce superior programs broadcast simu AY卫视将始终以澳门为基地,充分发挥已获准在中国大陆和东盟各国落地的优势,与中国各电视台及东盟各国电视台已结成的合作联盟,以国际领先的技术及设备,制作24小时滚动播出的以普通话、广东话和英语三语同步播出的优秀节目。

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