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Not every social sector leader is well suited to being entrepreneurial.

Not every invocation of the doctrine of pre-emption will be justified. 不是任何情况下对预防性原则的引用都是正当的。
Not every organ transplant operation can be successful, 并不是每一个器官移 植手术都能成功,
Not every organ transplant operation can be successful, because the new organ may be rejected by the surrounding tissues. 并不是每一个器官移植手术都能成功,因为移植的器官可能会受周围组织的排斥.
Not every person can browse every other person. 不是每个人都能浏览其他所有人的文件的。
Not every rich man is lavish in spending money. 不是每一位富人都滥用金钱。
Not every social sector leader is well suited to being entrepreneurial. 不是社会每个领域的领导都适合成为企业家。
Not every student in this class is hardworking. (这班的学生并非每一个都是用功的。
Not every “job site” is real. 不是每一个求职站点都是真的。
Not everybody agreed with the way she interpreted the violin concerto, but it was still a technically perfect performance. 并非每人都同意她对那首小提琴协奏曲的诠释,但是她的演奏在技巧上仍是无懈可击。
Not everybody need to be fashionable. 你可能会因此很累,但是死不了。
Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs. 不是每个人都信任绘画,但是人们相信摄影。

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