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Rotten apples,was the answer. A whole sackful for the pigs.

Role-playingdoes not grant license to violate these rules. “角色扮演”不能成为你违反任何规则的借口。
Rome wasn't built in a day. 翻译:罗马不是一天建成的。
Romina had led quite a reclusive life -- but now she's even interacted with a male for the first time,said Watts. 沃茨说:从前的罗米纳一直过着封闭的生活,但是手术后她已经和从前大不一样了,现在的她甚至已经开始第一次和异性交往了。
Ronaldo was at the front. But the blame does not just rest with him. Five or six Portuguese players were at it. “罗纳尔多在最前面,但结果并不完全在于他,5到6名葡萄牙球员围着裁判。”
Rotary, you began the story of polio eradication 20 years ago. You are now needed more than ever, if this story is to have the triumphant ending it deserves. 「扶轮,您在20年前开始写出根除小儿痲痹的故事。如今正是最需要您的时刻,才能为这个故事写下应有的胜利结局。」
Rotten apples,was the answer. A whole sackful for the pigs. “烂苹果,”伙计回答说,“整整一袋烂苹果拿去喂猪。”
Roundness factorand other non-intuitive morphological features: is there a role for machines and robotics in routine diagnostic pathology? “圆直率”与其他非直觉型态特征:机械与机器人会在日常诊疗病理学中占领一席之地吗?
Roy Keane becoming Sunderland manager would be the biggest thing to happen to this club for years,Bennett said, probably on a par with '73 [Sunderland's FA Cup win]. “罗伊-基恩成为桑德兰经理是俱乐部多年来最伟大的事情,”本内特说,“也许和73年我们获得足总杯一样。
Rumour has it that Cole will be coming to Spain next season. 传说科尔将在下个赛季来到西班牙。
Run along now! Go outside and play,the mother said to her children. 现在就去,到外面玩妈妈对小孩说。
Running a coal-fired plant in these times is a gold mine. 在现在这个时代,经营煤电厂就如同采到金矿一样.

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