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Then he lent me a book.

Then he lay down in his box bed, and the tides turned him in his sleep, the sea rolling his cigarettes for him as he dreamed and dozed. 钻进箱形床里躺下,他在熟睡中任凭潮水推转他的身体,这样海洋便在他嗑睡梦眠时替他卷着烟卷。”
Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, Get up and eat. 5他就躺在罗腾树下,睡着了。有一个天使拍他,说,起来吃吧。
Then he left the carnage behind him, and wandered out into the night, pausing only to wash his blades in one of the many fountains in the courtyards. 然后他拂袖而去,消失在夜幕中,只在花园中的一个喷泉旁停了一会儿,洗了洗他那满是血污的刀锋。
Then he left the hammock,sat on the bed, and said to us in a single breath: You cannot imagine what this town has gone through. 之后他从吊床上下来,坐到旁边的床板上,一口气的说:“你简直不能想像这个小镇都发生了什么。”
Then he left there and went to the house of a man named Titius Justus, a worshiper of God, whose house was next to the synagogue. 徒18:7于是离开那里、到了一个人的家中、这人名叫提多犹士都、是敬拜神的、他的家靠近会堂。
Then he lent me a book. 我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。
Then he lost 25 lbs. and most of the sight in his right eye. 接着体重锐减25磅,右眼失去大部分视力。
Then he made a bow. 然后他鞠了一个躬。
Then he made a bronze altar, twenty cubits in length and twenty cubits in width and ten cubits in height. 代下4:1他又制造一座铜坛、长二十肘、宽二十肘、高十肘。
Then he made another lucky draw for a couple of fans to have a taste of his own-cooked Tom Yum Kung. 然后他给了二个粉丝幸运的品尝他自己煮的冬阴功汤。
Then he made poles of acacia wood and overlaid them with gold. 4用皂荚木作两根杠、用金包裹。

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