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Better warn your dear ones now that getting on your bad side now -- regardless of how unintentional it may be -- wouldn't be a great idea.

Better understand ratios based on stockholders' equity. 进一步理解基于股东权益的财务比率。
Better understanding of mechanical drawing is preferred. 良好的机械图纸阅读能力优先.
Better understanding of the immunological mechanisms implying the insemination and the infertility of some men and women is needed and crucial to the development of an effective immunocontraceptive method. 更好地理解隐含在受精和某些男女不孕中的免疫学机制对于开发有效的免疫避孕方法是必须而且是至关重要的。
Better untaught than ill taught. 宁愿没有受过教育也不受坏的教育。
Better usability thanks to the new warning and message system. 新的“警告窗口”和消息系统大大提高了易用性。
Better warn your dear ones now that getting on your bad side now -- regardless of how unintentional it may be -- wouldn't be a great idea. 桔解:最好告诫你身边亲近的朋友,不管有心无心,最好不要招惹到你的坏脾气。
Better wear out shoes than sheets. 宁愿把鞋子穿漏,不愿把床单磨破。
Better what the eye sees than the roving of the appetite. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. 9眼睛所看的、比心里妄想的倒好.这也是虚空、也是捕风。
Better with Estimation Engineering Certificate. 有造价工程师证书为佳。
Better yet, check in and tune up with each new season; spring, summer, autumn and winter. 但是更好是能在每一季:春夏秋冬都能够进行调节。
Better yet, it can also soothe irritation from sun exposure. 更好的是,还能舒缓日照暴露的刺激。

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