In both the Kaluza-Klein conjecture and string theory, the laws of physics that we see are controlled by the shape and size of additional microscopic dimensions.
在卡鲁扎–克莱恩的推测与弦论中,附加的微观维度的形状与大小,支配了我们所知的物理定律。 |
In both the basic sciences like mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry, and applied sciences like comprehensive utilization of energy, environmental protection and nuclear technology, you in Russia have produced a wealth of achievements in scientific
在数学、物理、生物、化学等基础学科领域,在能源综合利用、环境保护、核技术等应用领域,你们都取得了大量世界水平的科研成果,涌现出了像拉夫连季耶夫、坎托罗维奇、杜比宁等一批享誉世界的科学家。 |
In both these and other now less famous movies, her revolutionary approaches towards music and cinematography remain unquestioned.
在这两部以及其它名气稍逊的电影中,她对音乐和摄影艺术的运用在今天看来仍无疑是创新之举。 |
In both traumatic situations and emergency situations the Rooster is cool headed and can think of a solution on the spot.
在危机情况和紧急事件发生时,属鸡的人能够保持头脑冷静,对当时的情况进行分析。 |
In both women and men it increases during sex and surges at orgasm, playing a role in pair bonding, an evolutionary adaptation for long-term care of helpless infants.
对两性而言,它会在性行为中增加从而增进性高潮,在「配偶连结」中扮演重要角色,是对孤弱婴儿长期照护的一项演化适应。 |
In boundary, water resource is very rich.
境内水资源十分丰富。 |
In bowl combine ricotta, spinach, eggs, garlic powder, and salt and pepper to taste.
把乳清干酪,碎菠菜,蛋液,蒜粉,盐和胡椒放在一起搅匀,尝一下味道。 |
In bowl of electric mixer, beat the butter until soft.
用电动搅拌器把牛油打软后,加入砂糖搅打至牛油松发。 |
In boxing you must hit fair; in racing, start fair.
拳击中,你出拳必须公正;赛跑时,你起跑必须公正。 |
In boyish zeal, he rehashes the dubious British claims to have invented television and the jet engine.
他还以孩子般的热情去将令人生疑的英国人发明了电视跟喷气发动机的言论老调重弹。 |
In boys like Ronaldo and Rooney they have a lot of potential but I think the difference is they started badly and they finished badly the season.
罗纳尔多和鲁尼这样的小伙们很有潜力,但我认为他们联赛初期和结束时打得太差以致被我们拉开差距。 |