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The transformation went beyond frequent visits to the barber.

The transformation of that project has been finished. 那个项目的改造已经完成。
The transformation of the industrial structure is the important power to promote the regional economy and enhance economic potentiality. 产业结构转换是推动区域经济增长、增强经济实力的重要动力。
The transformation of the memorial to the throne from open to secret and from unofficial to official is a process of standardization and legalization. 奏折从公开到秘密、从非正式文书到正式上行文书的演变过程是奏折制度规范化和法律化的过程。
The transformation of value-added tax enhances the remuneration rate of investment, reduces investment risk, strengthens investment ability of enterprise fixed assets, is beneficial to the renewal and transformation of technique. 增值税转型提高企业固定资产投资报酬率,降低企业固定资产投资风险,加强了企业固定资产的投资能力,有利于调动企业扩大固定资产投资、加强技术更新改造的积极性。
The transformation was intended to serve two purposes. 这种大变活人的活动是要达到两个目的。
The transformation went beyond frequent visits to the barber. 形象的改变远超过他们必须常常光顾理发店。
The transformations must be realized from the selection to the cultivation of talents in term of the test purpose, from the curricular education to the all-sided study and from the textbook knowledge to the practical innovation in term of test process, fr 在考试目的上,要实现从甄别选拔到育人为本的转变;在考试的导向上,要实现从课程教学向全方位学习,从注重书本知识向注重实践创新的转变;在考试标准上,要实现相对标准向绝对标准与个体标准相结合的转变;在考试方法上,要实现从一元化向多样化的转变。
The transforming power of fellowship with God. 与神亲近所带来的改变力量.
The transient simulation model of impedance-matched balancing transformers is established. The effect of transient model and equivalent circuit in calculation of steady short circuit current are compared. 摘要建立了阻抗匹配平衡变压器的暂态仿真模型,比较了暂态模型和等值电路在计算稳态短路电流中的效果。
The transient stability-constrained emergency control is primary work of transient stability analysis of power system under harmful contingencies. 摘要紧急控制是保证电力系统遭受大的扰动后维持系统暂态稳定的主要措施。
The transient temperature and thermal stress distribution in disk of heat capacity laser pumped by high power LDA are simulated by use of finite element methods, optical distortions and birefringence were computed subsequently. 摘要利用有限元数值方法,模拟计算了热容模式下片状激光介质的瞬态温度分布和热应力分布及其波前畸变和应力双折射。

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